

Funn Venn Diagrams

A friend of an um-friend invented the term Vennophobia: the fear that someone has included you in one of their Venn diagrams. “Look, you’re in the area where ‘ugly’ overlaps with ‘loser’!”

The Brunching Shuttlecocks have some nice Venn diagrams. Here’s my favourite:



Ass Pirates of Silicon Valley

It had to happen: someone’s written Bill Gates/Steve Jobs slash fiction.

(Don’t know what slash fiction is? Here’s a good definition, plus some background.)

In the real world, Jobs needs Bill’s software put in his hardware. In these stories, Bill needs Steve’s hardware put into his software. If you know what I mean. Huh-huh-huh.

Here’s an excerpt:

“(Jobs) nuzzles my neck, bites my earlobe,” Slade writes. “I watch him go to his desk and rummage in one of the top drawers. When he comes back, he’s holding a bottle of hand lotion…. He hooks his hand on the waistband of my chinos and briefs, sliding them both down at once…. He runs his hand up my back and leans down to whisper, ‘Bill, are you a virgin?'”

“Yes.” Sort of.

“I’ll be gentle.”

If you can bear with the mental image of Bill Gates on all fours, grunting with pleasure like a hog at the trough whilst getting jazzed up the gunga, go ahead and read away. Don’t blame me for any nightmares you might have as a result.

(My finding out about this is all Martin “Coderman” Peck’s fault.)



Social calendar

Global Pop Conspiracy Social #3

It’s Thursday again, which means that it’s time for another Global Pop Conspiracy Social. If you like your pop music all over the road, from Helmet to Hall and Oates and everything in between, you’ll like this evening. Tonight’s guest “audio selector” is Greg Davis from Soundscapes, Toronto’s answer to Championship Vinyl (the record store in Nick Hornby’s book-turned-movie, High Fidelity) and the video wall will be showing clips seelcted by Moment Factory.

I will be there with accordion, of course.

Once again, it’s at the Rotors Club — 593a Bloor Street West (upstairs), just west of Bathurst. The doors open at 9, and the cover is a mere $5.00. Yup, it’s a 19+ event.

Smokin’ Joe rides again

Tomorrow night marks the start of comedy troupe Slap and Tickle’s (the people with whom I performed last week) run at their new location, the Poor Alex Theatre. In addition to Slap and Tickle, other comedians will be performing and musical interludes will be provided by — as the poster below says — Smokin’ Joe deVilla…

The name “Smokin’ Joe” strikes me as more appropriate for an aging black blues guitarist, but the Slap and Tickle folks seem to like the sound of it.

I’m sure there’ll be some kind of after-party at one of the nearby pubs — the Green Room, the Future Bakery Patio or the-bar-behind-Future-whose-name-escapes-me. I’m sure there’ll be some post-show silliness no matter what, so if you want to have some laughs and accordion-and-beer-fueled mayhem, this might just be the place for you!

The Poor Alex Theatre is at 298 Brunswick Avenue, just south of Bloor (Brunswick is just east of Bathurst). Doors open at 8:30.



Wonder Twin powers, activate!

I’m a too little busy to write up something right now, but I thought I’d at least point you to today’s Penny Arcade comic, which is the funniest one in a very long time:

So wrong it’s right.

May I also suggest Seanbaby’s high-larious writeup of the Wonder Twins (as well as the rest of the Super Friends), or the story about the upcoming Wonder Twins movie? (It seems they’re thinking of Christina Ricci as ‘Jayna’ and the guy who plays ‘Xander’ on Buffy The Vampire Slayer as ‘Zan’.)

I think an ironic film about the perennial wanna-bes, Wendy, Marvin and Wonder Dog would make a better movie.



What’s my age again?

I’m 34, I look as if I’m in my late 20’s, and according to this test, my mental age is…


I act like I’m 20.
This test was brought to you by Mel – mostly…. Take it here.



Photo of the week



A mess of Happiest Geek entries

Just in case you’ve forgotten that tech stuff goes in the other blog

Here they are, from earliest to latest:

The next “considered harmful”

Hittin’ the books

Fatherly advice

Back in Black

Succinctness considered harmful

Ghetto stylee

PalmOS demo programming contest

Let’s drop a bomb on the MPAA

Hump day news

“Considered harmful” considered harmful

Thursday news roundup

The secret shame of TEH LUN1X

Ted rants, Quinn responds, I sound wise

In praise of ghetto languages

Are my notes the best, or what?

And today’s entry…

Monday news: Microsoft introduces the F# programming language, DevX talks reductionism, PostgreSQL on Mac OS X and Python.