

Otherwise known as “Smokin’ Joe deVilla”


Tuesday night marked my return to the stand-up comedy circuit.

I haven’t done much stand-up; I first tried it early last year at Brain Wash, a laundromat-cafe located across the street from the office in which I worked. I didn’t know many people in San Francisco, and I thought it might be a fun way to meet new people. My routine was half jokes — mostly of the musical variety — and half twisted accordion renditions of popular songs in a medley. It went over well, and by the time the company had closed the San Francisco office and sent me back to Toronto, I was getting regular offers to do sets at comedy venues and had made a handful of comedian friends. We’d even gotten together to brainstorm joke ideas, something I haven’t done since my days at the humour paper back at Queen’s.

(George and I used to write some really hilarious stuff. Hilarious meaning anything from “truly funny” to “truly legally actionable”.)

On Monday night, I got a phone call from a guy named Bert. I met Bert on that Tuesday night in April, a perfectly sunny day with unseasonably summer-like temperatures. My friends Will and “Too-Tall” Tina and I had gone to the Bovine Sex Club for some post-Tuuli-concert drinks. As usual, I had the accordion with me, slung on my back. Bert walked up to me and said that it took balls and a sense of humour to walk into the Bovine with an accordion. He then suggested that perhaps I might be funny and cojones-endowed enough to try comedy. I gave him my number, and that weekend I auditioned for him and his friends, a comedy troupe called Slap and Tickle. I left them my phone number and e-mail and didn’t hear from them until Monday night.

“I hope you like the way we had you listed,” said Bert on that Monday night phone call, “we have you down as ‘Smokin’ Joe deVilla’. Does that sound all right?”

“Uh, yeah,” I said, a little surprised. Sounds a little like “Crazy Joe Davola” from Seinfeld.

I got e-mail from my friend Anne the next day, asking if I was the same person listed in the NOW and eye comedy show listings. I hit the NOW Web site and found myself:

slap & tickle get male! Slap & Tickle present comedy w/ guests Michael Black, Joe DeVilla, Paul Haywood and Jason Rouse, Jun 4 at 8:30 pm. $5. The Cameron House, 408 Queen W. 416-703-0811.

Hmmm. No “Smokin'”.

The gig went well. I went on about a third of the way through the show, told a couple of jokes and cut into a medley that concluded with a tribute to the all-male show (Slap and Tickle have a woman in the troupe, but she was away that evening), AC/DC’s Big Balls. The audience joined in on the choruses, and I got a lot of laughs. I’d like to send my thanks to the guy in the front row who couldn’t stop laughing, even during my sound check when I did Moby’s We Are All Made of Stars as my test number. You’re good people, sir. The show organizers were generous with me, what with all the beer tickets and a crisp twenty for my seven minutes’ worth of being a goof, which I normally do for free.

The other comedians were really funny; my only minor complaint is that a lot of them kept having to step away from the mic to look at their notes. Most of them kept their notes on sheets of paper, except for one guy — a very funny one, I might add — who kept his on a Palm V handheld. This is where the borscht belt meets the 21st century, I suppose.

After the gig, we went back to one of the guys’ apartments and had a happy little after-show party. I got invited to do another show with Slap and Tickle at the Poor Alex on the 14th, so if you’re in town, you might want to drop by.

“…if it wasn’t for you meddling kids!”

The boys from the trivia game software company for which I work and I had decided to go for all-you-can-eat Indian food yesterday. We walked up John Street and rounded the corner where CityTV/MuchMusic/Space/Bravo’s studios are and were buttonholed by the host for I-forget-which-show and a cameraman. He thrust the mic in the VP of Technology’s face and asked him who the main characters on Scooby-Doo were.

“Uh, Shaggy, Scooby…uh…,” he said.

“Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby,” I replied.

The host swung the mic my way. “What was the name of their van?”

“The Mystery Machine.”

“Can you name at least three of Scooby’s relativies?”

“Scrappy-Doo, Scooby-Dum, and Scooby-Dee.”

“Can you name three celebrity guest stars who appeared in the cartoon?”

“Sonny and Cher, Don Knotts and the Harlem Globetrotters. Back when Meadowlark and Curly were part of the team. I think Davey Jones might’ve appeared on the show, too.”

“Uh, this guy’s good. Scary good,” he turned to the cameraman. “Do you have any questions for him?”

“Yeah,” said the cameraman, “do you know what it means to Jump the Shark, and when that happened to Scooby Doo?”

“Jumping the Shark is the moment when the show startes to go bad, and I’d say it was when they introduced Scrappy-Doo. Or maybe the Laff-A-Lympics.”

“Do you have any theories as to what kind of van the Mystery Machine was?”

“I’m thinking a Ford Econoline with a custom paint job and a lot of weed in the back. Shaggy and Scooby were always hungry, if you know what I mean.”

“We gonna have to bleep that out?” said the host.

“No, I think everyone knows what ‘Scooby snacks’ are by now,” replied the cameraman.

“Well, here’s your free T-shirt.”

“Well, here he is,” said the host, putting his arm around me and facing the camera to close the interview. “The Scooby Doo trivia champion — your name is –?”


“Joey! And that’s Scooby-Doo, in theatres soon!”

If the clip made it to TV and you saw it, could you let me know?



Photo of the week



So long, and thanks for all the sex

We’ll file this under “so obvious it’s painful”:

WARNING! In the considerations of safety, you should NEVER let a male dolphin attempt anal sex with you.

This, and other disturbing stuff at [no photos, but explicit text about gettin’ it on with dolphins].

Other bizarro bits on the site:

Q1) How do I tell a male dolphin from a female one?

You know, I suspect that if you’re going to have sex with a dolphin, you might not have any kind of gender hang-ups. “What? You want to have a homosexual relationship with a dolphin? What kind of freak are you?”

Q6) Where can I find a dolphin to mate with?

A6) Aquariums are a bad choice, for many reasons.

Not so fast, cowboy, I’m still wrestling with why, never mind where.

(My finding that page is all MetaFilter’s fault.)

It Happened to Me

Hooters: It’s One of the Perks of the Job

The office in which I work is on John Street, a busy side street in the heart of Toronto’s club district. On our side of our block, is a row of brownstones which house several bars, cafes and offices; one of the these brownstons houses the office, and two doors down is the bar where I had the date that helped land me this job. The other side of the street is taken up by the big downtown movieplex, a large but poorly-run branch of Chapters/Indigo, the now-abandoned former location of Playdium, a falafel place and Hooters (“Delightfully tacky, yet unrefined”, as the slogan on their Web site says). The Hooters is half a block down the street, but still visible from our office’s front window.

The weather has been very erratic over the past couple weeks. We’ve had days that have begun with torrential rain in sporadic ten-minute bursts and ended with cloudless sunny skies and vice versa. It’s been driving the restaurateurs on the block crazy, as they don’t know whether to set up their outdoor tables or not. The fine folks at Hooters have a rooftop patio, so they’ve got the same problem. They don’t have tables outdoors on the ground level, but they do have these garage-door walls that they can roll up when the weather is nice.

Last Thursday, the garage doors were rolled up when one of the sudden intense downpours began. The thunder was quite loud and the rain was making so much noise that some of us decided to take a look out the front window. The rain was coming down in buckets, and the unfortunates on the street were scrambling for cover. In the middle of the deluge, the Hooters waitresses ran outside to roll down the garage doors.
It was a scene straight out of Porky’s — they were wearing their standard-issue white tank tops, which were soaked in seconds, all the while, jumping up and down trying to reach the handle on the garage door. One of the garage doors was being stubborn and refused to be pulled down, which ensured that they stood out and jumped in the rain even longer. I always that this kind of thing never happened outside of those contrived scenes in bad teen movies and softcore porn. If you’ve never witnessed this kind of spectacle in real life, I would highly recommend that you drop by the office the next time they have a severe storm warning.

It first happened on Thursday, and another downpour happened on Monday. Monday’s scene was rudely interrupted by a beer truck that stopped in front of Hooters, entirely blocking the view from the offiice. Until then, I’d never even considered that a beer delivery could possibly be a bad thing.

I was so enthralled by the soaking and the jumping and the struggung that I didn’t get the idea until it was too late. As they pulled down the sticky door, it occurred to me to run out, be a good neighbour and help pull that door shut. I know that such gallantry is usually rewarded with a hot threesome in the world of porn flicks, but I figure that I’d at least be rewarded with a free beer and the gratitude of a few Hooters’ waitresses. It think it’d be worth getting soaked for that. I am, after all, a gentleman.

From a recent IRC chat:

<comradeM> so, let me get this straight — your life involves a truck full of beer and Hooters waitresses jumping around in the rain?

<AccordionGuy> It’s not always easy being me, but there are benefits…


In theory, I agree

The war on terrorism has its upsides, and one of these is the war on pants. It’s probably some deep-rooted biological instinct that makes people want to couple when faced with the possibility of death.

Dawn Olsen wrote this in her blog:

In a post 9-11 world, I feel it’s my duty as a woman to wear clingier clothing, flirt more outrageously, have more orgasms, and get on top more often. In short, anything that’s taboo to the islamofascists.

Eric Raymond — geek, open source software advocate, libertarian, sex advisor to computer programmers and gun nu…er, firearms enthusiast — blogged this in reply:

Yes, we’re all Jews now, even blue-eyed Germano-Celtic goyim like me. We are going to be everything the islamofascists fear and hate, and we’re going to glory in it. We’re going to embody all the worst nightmares of those butt-ignorant ragheads in Al-Qaeda. We’re going to kill them, we’re going to subvert their children with MTV, and we’re going to teach their women to wear clingy clothing and say “fuck me” and “fuck you” to men whenever they damn well feel like it.

And, sister? Here’s my ha ha only serious, offered in the same spirit as yours. You are a warrior. I salute you. And if you want to commit exactly the kind of scandalous, adulterous, hedonistic, casual sex best calculated to drive fascists and patriarchs up a wall sometime, I’m your guy. You can be on top.

The sentiment I agree with wholeheartedly — his heart’s in the right place and Dawn’s pretty cute. However, the thought of Raymond sportin’ wood and lying in wait to get his swerve on damn near made me void my bowels in icy fear right at my desk. If I knew the precise set of brain cells that contained that awful, awful mental image, I’d be driving a nail into my head with a ball-peen hammer right now.


More compatibility test results

More results from the AccordionGuy compatibility test from my friends:

Science fiction author, OpenCola founder, BoingBoing editor and EFF Outreach coordinator (and in the future, audio-animatronic attraction at Disneyland): that’s my friend Cory Doctorow. One of my fondest memories of my days in California was the time when he and I went to Disneyland. He walked around the place as if he were Walt himself, chatting up the castmembers and reporting attractions that weren’t working properly.

Cory rated as 68% similar and 69% complementary.

Not even the power of the accordion can protect you from girl trouble, and for that, my friend Adina Goldman has always lent a sympathetic ear and a relevant saucy anecdote.

Adina rated as 75% similar and 73% complementary.

In the parallel universe where my life actually just a TV show, Will McLean is the popular new character. We met at Kick Ass Karaoke, and you’ll often find us on Queen Street, either busking or looking for kicks.

Will rated as 72% similar and 73% complementary.

Here’s Cass Mittlestead, the world’s cutest Johnny Cash impersonator, whom I also met at Kick Ass Karaoke.

Cass rated as 78% similar and 90% complementary.

If there’s debauchery to be had, “Too-tall” Tina Gravelson will be there will bells on. And 8″ platform boots, too! Tina wins the “Most Similar to Me” contest. The only way we differ is that I look even better than she does in fishnet stockings.

Tina rated as 91% similar and 78% complementary.


(In The Happiest Geek on Earth):


Here are the last few postings from my other blog:

Armed and Dangerous

Google programming contest winner announced

A Python poster for your Saturday amusement

Lisp, lemonade and love

Unholy alliance