Florida It Happened to Me Tampa Bay The Current Situation

Hurricane Milton post #6: “It’s giving outages!”

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Please pardon the title. I thought I’d experiment with a little Gen Z vernacular. No cap.

Pictured above is the outage map for TECO (Tampa Electric COmpany) as of 10:50 pm. EDT (UTC-4) on Wednesday, August 9. As you can see, we’re approaching 250,000 households without power, and we’re one of them. We still have internet because our router and wifi base station are connected to an uninterruptable power supply with a battery I replaced in the spring.

Florida It Happened to Me Tampa Bay The Current Situation

Hurricane Milton post #5: The view from here

Here’s some footage from our house’s security cameras — one looking out from the front door, and one from the side:

Florida Tampa Bay The Current Situation

Hurricane Milton post #1: What everyone in Tampa Bay is asking right now

Florida Florida of the Day

Meanwhile, in Florida…

Tropical Storm Helene is now Hurricane Helene, and its closest approach to Tampa Bay happens tomorrow, which means the grocery stores today look somewhat like this (perhaps with fewer mangled AI faces).

Florida Tampa Bay The Current Situation

Tropical Storm Helene

Once again, I’m hoping that the vibes from the clown cemetery that’s been protecting Tampa from the worst effects of hurricanes for the past few decades will work their magic as tropical storm Helene (pronounced “Huh-LEEN”) passes through on Thursday.

(And yes, I’m also doing some hurricane prep. But do not underestimate the power of a clown cemetery!)

Editorial Florida

Attention Florida drivers!

Bumper sticker on car bumper: “Using your turn signal is not ‘giving information to the enemy’.”
Florida The Current Situation The Good Fight

Support the whistleblower who exposed Florida’s secret plans for its state parks

The saying is doubly true for anyone who works under Florida Governor Ron DeSantis: “No good deed goes unpunished,” and wow, did James Gaddis get punished for his good deed.

Gaddis, pictured above, was the employee at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection who leaked the state’s rushed-under-cover-of-secrecy plans to build golf courses, hotels, pickleball courts, and more land developer-friendly conversions of Florida’s state parks, which are natural protected lands. His leaking of that information and the Florida government’s rushed timeline led to the outcry that led to the postponement of those plans.

Here’s what Gaddis told the Tampa Bay Times:

“It was the absolute flagrant disregard for the critical, globally imperiled habitat in these parks,” Gaddis said in an interview Monday morning. Gaddis said he was tasked with making the proposed conceptual land use maps that depicted the golf courses and other developments. Two proposals were especially egregious in his eyes: The Jonathan Dickinson State Park golf course, and the 350-room hotel at Anastasia State Park.

“This was going to be a complete bulldozing of all of that habitat,” Gaddis said. He recalls his hand, hovering over a computer mouse, shaking with anger and frustration as he was told to rush his maps from senior leadership. “The secrecy was totally confusing and very frustrating. No state agency should be behaving like this.”

Unfortunately, doing the right thing sometimes means doing the career-limiting thing. For his heroic actions, he was fired. Here’s his dismissal notice:

While he was technically fired for “conduct unbecoming a public employee,” it’s the rest of Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection who are truly guilty of unbecoming conduct, for doing the exact opposite of what the Department is supposed to do.

Because the job market is tough out there, Gaddis has set up a GoFundMe to help him as he looks for new work. Because what he did was heroic, he’s surpassed the modest goal of $10,000, but don’t let that stop you from pitching in.

Thank you, James Gaddis, for taking the whistleblower risk and saving our state parks!

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