Be thankful you don't have this dog's current assignment: Click the photo to see it at full size/Photo courtesy of…
My friend Miss Fipi Lele finds all sorts of great and weird stuff, the photo below included: What photo can't…
I absolutely love this clip: Here's a transcript of the last bit of the clip: Colbert: When you see or…
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele. (In this case, LSD is short for Low Sulfur Diesel.)
The webcomic Subnormality has done a good job at summing up the audience at a rock show: Click the comic…
First, we had the Church Sign Generator. Then the Tombstone Generator. But finally, there's something for the emo kid in…
Last night, someone frustrated with the impending public transit strike here in Accordion City (slated to start at 4 a.m.…
Click the image to see where you can order this bumper sticker.