Here's a nice Friday time-waster for you: a Flickr photoset of vintage men's magazine covers. A sample: Just another Saturday…
We all have days where we feel like this guy: Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.
I enjoy both smart-assery and dressing up, so this snarky-but-spot-on piece in Magnificent Bastard, titled Ten Ways to Look Like…
(This article was cross-posted to Global Nerdy.) Take a look at this article from China View, the English-language site run…
It's a cheap trick play that should've been disqualified by the referee, but it's still amusing to watch: Can't see…
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele
Over at the cooking video website Im Cooked, there's a great video of none other that Christopher Walken showing his…
Click the photo to see the non-bowlderized version.Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele. Judging from the background and what's happening…