
Shopping Cart Circle

I'd like to try this sometime, but I doubt the folks at my local grocery store are going to let…

18 years ago

Underwear Goes INSIDE the Pants

One of the top items on Reddit today is a link to a "Best of Craigslist" posting titled Underwear Goes…

18 years ago

"Garfield" Meets "Jacob’s Ladder"

Continuing with today's theme of comics, here's an interesting collision of ideas: Garfield and the movie Jacob's Ladder: By the…

18 years ago

Why I Don’t Worry That My Job Will Be Outsourced to India

The types of jobs that get outsourced are those that management thinks are the type in which people are interchangeable…

18 years ago

Your First Wingnut Talking Point of the Year

FOX News may appear to be run by petulant children, but they're quick petulant children. Even I had to chuckle…

18 years ago

National Lampoon’s "Apocalypto"

[via Sarcasmo's Corner]

18 years ago

"Happiest Day of My Fuggin’ LIFE!!!"

I found the photo below thanks to Miss Fipi Lele and "j2323". I offer it as a warning to anyone…

18 years ago

Best Haircut Ever?

[via Reddit] If your barber or hairstylist is adept with the clippers, you too can have the ultimate in hair-based…

18 years ago

The World’s a Little Less Funky, But Life Goes On…

In response to the response to James Brown's death over the holidays, David Malki drew this comic strip for his…

18 years ago