In response to the response to James Brown's death over the holidays, David Malki drew this comic strip for his…
I can't find the online essay I once read about the nature of the relationship between the incredibly tough-to-please King…
Kathy will be annoyed that I found this first: The three characteristics of WASP living are: constipation, keeping up appearances…
When public service announcements try too hard to be hip, this sort of train wreck is usually the result:
Click the photo to see it at full size.
Every year, on the day after Thanksgiving, a few thousand people are sacrificed in Manhattan to appease the angry god…
Found: a photo of some clever public washroom hand dryer graffiti... Mmm...treyf-a-licious!
Gizmodo, the gadget weblog, points to Sidetalkin', a web site devoted to how silly the Nokia N-Gage cellphone makes you…
Earlier today (December 24, 2002) I was in a store on Queen Street West that specialized in the kind of…