funny The More You Know...

The only Myers-Briggs personality test that matters

Screenshot: “New and improved MBTI test” by janhooks — the only Myers-Briggs personality test that matters
Tap to see the source.

The Myers-Briggs personality test is all bunk anyway, so why not save time and just take the only Myers-Briggs personality test that matters?

And if you must know, the test usually tags me as ENTP.

Thanks to David Janes for the find!

funny The Current Situation

Pictures aplenty for Sunday, October 18, 2020

funny The Current Situation

They’re not just for Crown Royal bottles and D&D dice anymore!

Photo: Woman wearing a Crown Royal bag as a mask

I can’t speak to their effectiveness at stopping aerosolized droplets, but let’s give her some points for creative problem-solving and improvisation!

funny Geek

Out-of-context comic book panel of the day

Comic panel. He-Man: “Fisto, my friend, are you all right? Let me help you to your feet!” Fisto: “I fisted hard, He-Man, but I could not fist them all!”

He-Man’s buddy is Fisto, and you get three guesses as to what his special ability is:

America funny The Current Situation

[UPDATED] Someday, they’ll make a musical about 2020, and it’ll be called…

Thanks to André Kimmig for the find!

The Lincoln Project have been working overtime on their anti-Trump ads, and they’ve made Covita real:


Sign of the day

Wait — I thought that’s what the term “elevator pitch” was all about!

Being a “glass half-full” person, I will note that the sign-maker at the University of Alabama at least got the spelling of the word “genitalia” correct, unlike their counterpart at Mississippi State:

funny Geek The Current Situation

This is the way.