funny Play

I’m Serving Tea This Way From Now On

Woman with face pressed onto the top of an open teapot, blowing into it, causing tea to shoot out the spout and into a nearby cup.Photo courtesy of “supermezzo”.


The Sad Man’s Kama Sutra

Comic: "The Sad Man's Kama Sutra"
Illustration by "Monstro-Draw"; click to see it on its original page.


This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things (or: Bar Sign of the Day)

Perhaps if they’d given the night another name, it might have turned out differently:

Chalkboard sign outside a bar: "Due to physical violance, Shit Faced Mondays have been cancelled."

I have no idea what bar this sign is for. I just ran across this picture here and thought it was too good not to share.

(I hear every Monday is Shitfaced Monday over at David Crow’s house.)


“Dude, I’m a Drug Dog”

Be thankful you don’t have this dog’s current assignment:

Click the photo to see it at full size/
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.


Caption This Photo, I Dare You

My friend Miss Fipi Lele finds all sorts of great and weird stuff, the photo below included:

A cross-dresser strapped to stretcher is loaded onto an ambulance as a man dressed an as Oompa Loompa and two people in rabbit suits (one comforting the other) look on
What photo can’t be improved by some old-school Oompa-Loompas?

See if you can come up with a caption for this photo and post it in the comments.

My caption would be: “Ain’t nothin’ like the Queen’s Homecoming street party!”

funny The Current Situation

Obama’s Shortlist for VP

Obama\'s shortlist for VP
Found by Miss Fipi Lele, created by Lee Camp.

funny The Current Situation

Steven Colbert on Jeremiah Wright

I absolutely love this clip:

Here’s a transcript of the last bit of the clip:

Colbert: When you see or hear things that are bad are going on in your church, you get up and you walk out! That’s what Catholics like me, and Papa Bear [his nickname for Bill O’Reilly] and Sean Hannity understand. You leave that church!

Unless it’s, you know, widespread decades-long rumours of sexual abuse. In that case, you gotta give it time. The church has its own processes; we don’t understand it!

The point is, all any Catholic pundits and Catholic politicans who may be criticizing Obama are saying is: “Do as we say, not as we didn’t”.