funny Music

“Archie” Comics Meet Pulp’s “Common People”

“Archie” panel with “Common People” lyrics
Image from Chris’ Invincible Super-Blog
Click the image to see it on its original page.

Back in the mid- to late nineties, one track you couldn’t avoid on alt-rock radio was Pulp’s Common People (from their excellent album, Different Class), a song that pokes fun at the genteel faux-poverty of kids from rich families at art school.

In the lyrics, the “narrator” tells the story of a rich Greek sculpture student at St. Martin’s college who wants to do a little lifestyle tourism amongst the British working class. The song is purportedly based on a real-life female acquaintance of Pulp’s lead vocalist Jarvis Cocker, who had a rich Greek female acquaintance at an art school named St. Martin’s who said that she wanted to “live like common people.” Cocker embellished the story in the chorus’ lyrics, adding “I want to sleep with common people like you.” According to Wikipedia, The BBC went so far as to try and locate the real-life rich art student who inspired the song without success.

“Archie” panel with “Common People” lyrics
Image from Chris’ Invincible Super-Blog
Click the image to see it on its original page.

There are (ahem) commonalities shared by Common People and the situation in Archie comics between rich girl Veronica Lodge and the very middle-class Archie Andrews. There are probably thousands of Archie storylines that are based on Archie not having enough money take Veronica on the type of date to which she has become accustomed. Some clever Photoshopper noticed the Common People/Archie connection, took the Common People lyrics, mashed them up with panels from Archie comics, and the result is over at Chris’ Invincible Super-Blog: Archie in…A Different Class!

“Archie” panel with “Common People” lyrics
Image from Chris’ Invincible Super-Blog
Click the image to see it on its original page.

This comic/music mashup got taken to the next level — Ontario Emperor (he’s from Ontario, California, not Ontario, Canada) points to this Michael Hanscom video that uses a montage of the remixed Archie panels with Common People as its soundtrack. It’s pretty good:

Recommended Reading

Excerpt from the 'Archie' comic 'She's Goth to Have It'.

She’s Goth to Have It: An Archie comic like no other — in this one, Betty goes goth!

Comic sample: Anarchie

Anarchie: an anarchist take on Archie.

Here’s a classic Archie cover that shows the hilarious things that happen when slang changes:

Photo: Cover of an old 'Archie' comic with an unfortunate double-entendre.


What Motivates Batman?

Batman slapping Robin: “My parents are deeeeeeeeeead!”
Image courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.

(“My parents are dead!” has been an ongoing gag about Batman since PvP creator Scott Kurtz illustrated a parody — covered in this blog entry — a couple of years back.)


The Drama Triangle

This would make an excellent T-shirt design. Or perhaps the crest for a high school! Or a LiveJournal!

Drama triangle
Diagram courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.


Don’t Do This Either

While not as physically harmful as pouring lighter fluid on the crotch of your jeans and setting it alight, proposing marriage in front of everyone at halftime at a televised sporting event can result in its own kind of damage:

[Thanks to The War on Folly]


Don’t Do This

Regular readers of this blog know that I espouse a Carpe Diem philosophy and encourage people to take chances every now and again.

There are, of course, limits:

Kid covering the crotch of his jeans with lighter fluid and igniting it, with expected results.
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.


This Needs to Become an Olympic Sport

The activity depicted in the Chinese propaganda poster shown below needs to be turned into a new Summer Olympics sport:

Chinese propganda poster showing rifle shooters double-riding on a bike, aiming at targets in the distance.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the red text at the bottom translates to “Wolverines!”
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.


The Church of Scientology Sign Generator

From the people who brought you the Church Sign Generator comes the Church of Scientology Sign Generator!

“Dude! We’ve got Beck *and* “Chef” from South Park!”
Click the photo to visit the Church of Scientology Sign Generator