funny Geek

Boing Boing Bingo

“Boing Boing Bingo” card

This is amusing: generates Bingo cards in which the squares contain the Boing Boing editors’ pet topics, which include:

[via Laughing Squid, which I found via Jeff “Coding Horror” Atwood’s Twitter stream; this was cross-posted to Global Nerdy.]


“A Homosexual…or WORSE!” (Scene from “Putney Swope”)

Poster for the movie “Putney Swope”Here’s an except from Ozus’ World Movie Reviews’ write-up on Robert Downey Sr.’s movie Putney Swope:

Putney Swope (Arnold Johnson), his voice dubbed by a gravely speaking Downey, is the story of a token black man on the board of directors of a large Manhattan advertising firm who is accidentally voted Chairman of the Board when a vote is taken after the current chairman keels over dead while excitedly trying to get out an idea about an ad at a boardroom meeting. Putney received enough votes from the whiteys on the board, who mistakenly thought their vote for him would be his only vote; each manuevered to get himself elected and were forbidden to vote for themselves.

Upon taking office Putney fires the board and fills the agency with militant soul brothers, except for one token white, and renames it “Truth and Soul, Inc.” He then changes course by refusing accounts for liquor, cigarettes, or war toys. Though most of the clients bolt the ad agency, Putney’s arrogant attitude wins over enough cowering masochistic liberal ass kissing clients to ply Putney with plenty of money. The self-serving Putney also abuses his new staff and steals their ideas without giving them credit, and starts up a new unconventional ad campaign featuring obscene marketing gimmicks for such products as Face-Off Acne Cream and Ethereal Cereal (the commercials made for the best comedy). The film is in black and white, but the ads are shown in color.

Here’s a funny scene from the movie that ended up on YouTube — it’s a boardroom meeting that probably takes place after Putney starts refusing to do ads for “war toys”…

The closing “You took him on the picnic hike, I didn’t!” line made me laugh out loud. I’m going to have to see where I can rent this movie.

(I posted another YouTube clip from Putney Swope in the previous entry.)


That’s Because Chicks Dig Carpenters

Here’s a sign that was outside a church on Dowling Avenue in north Minneapolis:

Church sign: “Jesus built a bridge with two broads and three nails”Click the photo to see the original article.
Photo courtesy of The Daily Mole.

Remember: it helps to have another pair of eyes review your work.

Chicks Dig Damien

Jesus’ diametrically-opposed counterpart was also a hit with the ladies. The scene from Damien: Omen II at the military academy graduation ball where Damien has a fine girl on each arm stood out in my mind when I was a teenager. Hell, it stands out in my mind now!

Still from “Omen II”: Damien in uniform, with a comely lass on each arm.
Click to see the YouTube video. You’ll see this scene at about 1:50.


2008 Batman, Meet 1966 Batman

The Adam West Batman, hurling his batarang

In case you haven’t seen it, here’s the latest trailer for The Dark Knight, the upcoming Batman movie with Christian Bale in the title role and Heath Ledger as the Joker:

Better still, here’s a trailer that mashes up the audio from the trailer above with scenes from the 1966 Batman movie, in which Adam West plays the title role. It’s camp-licious!


[This article was cross-posted to Global Nerdy.]


“Maaaaa! Not in Front of the Mouse!”

Large cat grooming a wincing smaller cat in front of a toy mouse
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.


Clever Grafitti

This one always makes me snicker:

Sign under bridge: “Bill stickers will be prosecuted”, and beside it, grafitti that reads “Bill Stickers is innocent!”
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.


Quote of the Day

Tare Panda

Merlin Mann: “Fringe politicos are like Latin teachers dressed as pandas. They think you’re hating on Latin, but really you just think pandas are funny.”