funny It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

“Think of it, Ellen — a world full of WEIRDOS!”

While hanging out on Queen Street West back in the summer of 1985, I saw a T-shirt with the image below and bought it immediately. I wore it all summer that year:

Old comic panel: “Think of it, Ellen — a world full of WEIRDOS!” “That would be wonderful…”
Click the image to see the source.

Yesterday’s entry, “Thank You, Mask Man!”, got me thinking about that time and what was then my favourite t-shirt. A little Googling led to me to this entry in the blog We Saw a Chicken, whose author had scanned the image from the magazine Strange Things are Happening.

I’m going to invert the image and make it the desktop background on my computers.


Mondo Pasta’s Clever Ads

“To get Mondo Pasta on everyone’s mind,” says the copy that explains this clever bit of sticker work, “we created a bigger than life promotion at the most frequented place in Hamburg: the harbor. Hug stickers of faces turned ships into permanent pasta slurpers.

Boats with stick-on images that make them look like pasta slurpers
Click the photo to see the full version.
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods funny Music

When This Computer Fad Blows Over, I’m Joining This Band

Band in shiny outfits with a shiny accordionist
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.


Vintage “Lad Mag” Covers

Here’s a nice Friday time-waster for you: a Flickr photoset of vintage men’s magazine covers. A sample:

Cover of “True Men” magazine, August 1969 issue.
Just another Saturday night, back when I was single.
Click the picture to see the full set.


He Didn’t Order the Happy Meal

We all have days where we feel like this guy:

Husky death metal teen sitting alone in a food court
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.


Ten Ways to Look Like a Total Toolbag

I enjoy both smart-assery and dressing up, so this snarky-but-spot-on piece in Magnificent Bastard, titled Ten Ways to Look Like a Total Toolbag, amused me to no end. Here’s a preview:

Ten Ways to Look Like a Total Toolbag
Click the picture to see the article.

The ten ways, which are elaborated upon in the article, are:

  1. Backwards baseball cap
  2. Oakley Blades sunglasses
  3. Bluetooth headset
  4. Gold necklace
  5. Tommy Bahama shirt
  6. National Review magazine
  7. Belt-clipped cellphone
  8. “Cause” wristband
  9. Over-the-knee double-pleated shorts
  10. Crocs

I do occasionally wear a Tommy Bahama shirt when it climbs past 30 degrees (that’s 86 for my American friends), but I have a genetic right: I’m from a tropical country and I can pass for Hawaiian.

[Found via Reddit.]


Summertime in London

Eurostar ad “Summertime in London” featuring a London Tower guard getting his head shaved.
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.