[Cross posted to Global Nerdy]
Trust me, kids: learn to play a musical instrument reasonably well before college.
As for accordion playing, the “coolness graph” looks like this:
[Cross posted to Global Nerdy]
Trust me, kids: learn to play a musical instrument reasonably well before college.
As for accordion playing, the “coolness graph” looks like this:
[Cross-posted to my technical blog, Global Nerdy]
Sometimes I write a blog entry just for the sake of getting a funny title out there. This is one of those times, thanks to this report: Nigerian pupils browse porn on donated laptops.
(With apologies to the fine people at the One Laptop Per Child project)
It was bound to happen: having been translated into just about every living human language, it’s time to translate it into LOLcat-speak:
The Internet’s Powers That Be reserved the domain names example.com, example.net and example.org for use in documentation, instructional manuals and the like as example domain names. If you visit them, you’ll get a terse matter-of-fact explanation of what those domains is for on an otherwise blank page.
At Tucows — the company where I hold the position of Technical Evangelist — we prefer to use the domain catmas.com as our example domain, and rather than use it to house a dull mostly-empty page, we take advantage of the fact that one of the Internet’s raisons d’etre is for sharing funny pictures of cats.
Catmas.com has been neglected for the past few months, but I’ve decided to give it a little jolt by publishing cat pictures on it on a more regular basis. If you ever need to use an example website or are jonesing for a cat picture fix, Catmas.com is there to help.
Pair these jeans with Chuck Norris toilet paper, and you’ve got the perfect Chuck Norris-themed present!
The Milwaukee Brewers play at Pittsburgh and end up booked in the same hotel as Anthrocon, the big furry convention. Hilarity ensues:
The movie Deliverance has so infused its way into North American pop culture that most people are aware of its “Squeal like a pig!” scene. Back when I played background music for improv comedy shows here in Accordion City, I’d play the opening notes from Dueling Banjos whenever an actor would make some reference to butt-sex (a staple of comedy) and everyone would get the little musical joke.
In case you haven’t seen the movie, here’s the Dueling Banjos scene:
I had to laugh out loud when Miss Fipi Lele sent me this poster for a hypothetical Dreamworks-animated version of Deliverance: