funny It Happened to Me

Erin Judge Live!

Erin Judge doing her stand-up routine at the House of Comedy, Niagara Falls.

I met Erin Judge through the Ginger Ninja, back when they both worked at Harvard. Erin’s very funny, a trait that comes in handy in her calling as a stand-up comedian. Being based in Boston, it’s hard for us to catch her gigs, but we lucked out this weekend because she was booked for a couple of gigs at The House of Comedy at Niagara Falls. It takes just over an hour to get there by car, so Wendy and I, along with Rannie and Jay motorbootied for the Falls on Saturday afternoon, did a quick walk up and down cheese-a-riffic Clifton Hill and then went to the House of Comedy to catch her show.

Even though the first act was at 9:00 p.m., Erin told us to make sure that we were there by 7:30. It was good advice — when we arrived at 7:25, the place was already packed. The House of Comedy is a “dinner and a show” kind of place; the cover charge includes a salad-and-pasta dinner. We got to hang out with Erin and her fiance Jesse on the patio before and after the show, which was nice, and the show itself was quite good. Erin’s was one of the opening acts and she was quite funny and in top form.

If you’re in the Boston area, you can catch Erin at a big gig tomorrow (Tuesday, July 10th): she’ll be in Comedy Central’s Open Mic Fight Contest, competing with other Boston comedians for a shot at the next round in Los Angeles. She says “No matter who wins, this will be a FANTASTIC comedy show. Get there early or buy tickets in advance!” The Open Mic Fight Contest takes place at the Comedy Connection, and the fun starts at 8:00 p.m.

Erin Judge doing her stand-up routine at the House of Comedy, Niagara Falls.

funny Geek

As If You Needed a Reason to Read “Global Nerdy”

Geek Squad: Awright, more free porn! (Giggety)

Want the story behind the image above? Go check out my tech blog, Global Nerdy!


Look Into His Eyes and Know Fear!

If I were an employer based in Chicago, I’d want Michael K. Brandow of Brady, Connolly and Masuda P.C. as my attorney in worker’s compensation cases. Just looking at the guy, I think the opposition would rather settle than even risk meeting him face-to-face in court…

Michael K. Brandow, the lawyer with the scariest eyes in the world
“Happy thoughts…keep thinking happy thoughts…”


Looking for the “First Corinthians” Tramp Stamp?

Small version of the “‘First Corinthians’ tramp stamp” photo.I know from checking the server logs that my switching blogging tools and domains (from “” to “”) has thrown off a lot of people searching for specific images from this blog. It’s going to take some time for Google and the other search engines to re-index the blog, but eventually the search engine results for pictures and articles in The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century will take you to the right place.

One of the most sought-after pictures from this blog is the “First Corinthians Tramp Stamp”, an overly-large lower back tattoo featuring the apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. If you’ve ever attended a Christian wedding before, you’ve probably heard this verse because it’s been overused, a fact that got turned into a gag in the movie The Wedding Crashers. You’ll find this image — which might not be safe for work, depending on the sort of office you’re in — in an entry from last year titled The First Corinthians” Tramp Stamp.

funny The Current Situation

The Missing Piece

Photos as jigsaw puzzles showing: Dick Cheney with a missing puzzle piece near his heart, Michael Jackson with a missing puzzle piece at his nose, Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, with a missing piece near Tom’s crotch, and George W. Bush with a missing piece where his brain should be.
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.


Kitty Fly-By

If you’ve got an idea for a caption for the photo below, please leave a comment!

People eating in a tent as a grey cat flies by in the background.
Click the picture to see it at full size.
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.


“Miriam, I Don’t Think You’re Seeing the Big Picture…”

Unintentionally funny advice column.
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.