funny Geek

Why I Don’t Worry That My Job Will Be Outsourced to India

The types of jobs that get outsourced are those that management thinks are the type in which people are interchangeable and for which there are set procedures or routines from which you don’t deviate. I don’t worry that my job will be outsourced to India because my line of work — technical evangelist — is relatively outsourcing-proof.

As a tech evangelist based in North America, I’m required to be a good communicator in the English language. Hence posters like the one shown below give me a feeling of comfort:

'Speak English Like James Bond' poster from Mumbai, India.
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.

The line “There are two class: first class and no class” cracks me up.


Your First Wingnut Talking Point of the Year

FOX News may appear to be run by petulant children, but they’re quick petulant children. Even I had to chuckle at this:

Fox News image of Nancy Pelosi with the caption '100 hours to turn America into San Francisco'.
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.


National Lampoon’s "Apocalypto"

[via Sarcasmo’s Corner]


"Happiest Day of My Fuggin’ LIFE!!!"

I found the photo below thanks to Miss Fipi Lele and “j2323”. I offer it as a warning to anyone who’s getting married soon to not go so hard on the booze at the reception:

Bride refusing to have the champagne bottle taken away from her.

The original didn’t have the bride’s face partially obscured; I did it as an act of mercy.


Best Haircut Ever?

[via Reddit] If your barber or hairstylist is adept with the clippers, you too can have the ultimate in hair-based camouflage:

The best haircut ever.
The best haircut ever! Click the photo to see the original on Flickr.

funny Music

The World’s a Little Less Funky, But Life Goes On…

In response to the response to James Brown’s death over the holidays, David Malki drew this comic strip for his often-hilarious webcomic, Wondermark:

'James Brown' comic from David Malki's 'Wondermark'.
“James Brown” comic from David Malki’s Wondermark. Click it to see the full comic on its original page.

Only the first three panels appear here; you’ll have to see the full comic to get the punchline. Go and read the back issues; I think you’ll like it.


Placement is Everything

Movie marquee listing three movies: 'Erin Brockovich', 'Screwed' and 'My Dog Skip'.