funny Geek

Katamari Dinnertime

I can’t find the online essay I once read about the nature of the relationship between the incredibly tough-to-please King of All Cosmos and the eager-to-please Prince from the quirky videogame Katamari Damacy, but I did find this Jacob Chabot comic showing the King asking the Prince to roll him up some dinner:



Kathy will be annoyed that I found this first:

Photo: Magazine parody -- 'Cosmoportestant'.
The three characteristics of WASP living are: constipation, keeping up appearances and mayonnaise, mayonnaise, mayonnaise!


“Don’t Put Your Pizzle in That Cha-Chizzle or You Might Get an Illegizzle!”

When public service announcements try too hard to be hip, this sort of train wreck is usually the result:

funny The Current Situation

To Get Ahead, You Have to Wear More than the Minimum 15 Pieces of Flair

Click the photo to see it at full size.


“Grover Demands Sacrifice!”

Every year, on the day after Thanksgiving, a few thousand people are sacrificed in Manhattan to appease the angry god Grover. Luckily for me, I was in Boston…


“Ooh, yeah, right, Lisa. A wonderful, magical animal.”

Found: a photo of some clever public washroom hand dryer graffiti…

Photo: Hand dryer symbol instructions annotated with 'Press button. Receive bacon, Enjoy bacon.'

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods funny


Gizmodo, the gadget weblog, points to Sidetalkin’, a web site devoted to how silly the Nokia N-Gage cellphone makes you look.

For some reason, the designers of the N-Gage decided to place the earpiece and mouthpiece in such a way that you have to talk into it via the skinny side, which has been dubbed “Sidetalking”. Here’s what it looks like:

Photo: Guy enjoying his Nokia N_Gage phone a little too much.

Okay, the facial expression makes it worse. But you get my drift.

Sidetalkin’ has put out a call for pictures of people “sidetalking”. An N-Gage phone isn’t necessary; the person in the photo can be sidetalking into anything, even a tape dispenser. The guy running the site says “I WOULD LIKE MORE PICTURES OF GIRLS”.

Here are my two submissions, and you’ve probably already guessed what I’d be sidetalking into…