
The “international community” you always hear about

Map: “The ‘international community’ you always hear about,“ featuring a map of the world that shows on Europe, North America, Japan, and Australia/New Zealand.
Found via Ian Bremmer.

Russian roulette, sysadmin style

Comic: People playing Russian roulette with their servers and a random “rm -rf” script.

Yes, yes, I know that [[ should be used instead of [ in bash scripts.

funny Stranger than Fiction

“Wait — that’s not what I meant…”

Photo: Market stall with sign that reads “Ethical Trade Co. - Making a difference through job creation • Human trafficking • Poverty • Exploitation”
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Photo: Close-up of proprietor of Ethical Trade Co., with a concerned expression on his face and holding up a hand

It looks as though the proprietor just figured out why there’s no one visiting the stall.

Once again, consider this a reminder that when the stakes are high, get someone else to review your work before you put it out into the world.

funny Stranger than Fiction The Current Situation

Elon and Boris wouldn’t be able to escape

Screen capture of a tweet by @pookleblinky: “They should stick Boris Johnson and Elon Musk in a ‘Saw” trap and the only way to escape is for each of them to name all their children.”
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Both are cruel, spoiled brats with a large number of children from three different women, the third one being a co-worker:

funny Geek

The “Distracted Boyfriend” meme, wookiee edition

Still not tired of it yet.

Thanks to Alistair Morton for the find!

funny The Current Situation

Now THAT’s branding!


Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug

Comic: “I can’t believe I got killed by the most easily avoidable enemy in the entire game.”
Tap to view at full size.