
Oops, better make that NEXT Thursday

The Derrick de Kerckhove-hosted, Steve Mann-attended “What is Reality?” hot tub event that I mentioned earlier is not this Thursday, but the next one, the 14th. My bad.

You know, it serves me right for picking on Steve. If I always wore cyborg eyepieces constantly hooking me up to iCal or Palm calendar, I’d never get dates screwed up. I’ll bet MISTER CYBORG never misses an appointment…


Rub a dub dub, four nuts (or eight, depending on how you’re counting) in a tub

This Thursday at the DECONism gallery, there’s be a strange gathering in a hot tub — Derrick de Kerckhove, director of the Marshall McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology at the University of Toronto, will host a “What is real?” panel discussion featuring “post-post cyborg, performance artist and visionary Steve Mann as well as virtual reality artist Maurice Benayoun and the French cyberspace philosopher Pierre Levy.” According to the DECONism site, these gentlement will discuss “The topic of discussion will be fictitious truth, virtual fiction, realiction, and conjured reality.”

In my humble opinion, Steve and Derrick are probably two of the non-institutionalized/non-fundamentalist people least qualified to discuss reality. Then again, maybe they’re doing it as dispassionate outside observers. Levy doesn’t seem too crazy, and I like Benayoun’s art.

(I must confess. I’m quite incapable of saying “Steve Mann” without immediately following it by saying “Mister Cyborg” in a Homer Simpson-esque sarcastic voice, which making “air quotes”, a.k.a. “sarcasm tongs” with my fingers.)

The DECONism gallery is only a couple of blocks from my house, and hey, I’m a kinesthetic sort of accordion-playing guy who carries a lot of technology with him, so I’ll probably attend. Boris (a.k.a. “Bopuc” on the #joiito IRC channel at might drive down from Montreal just to catch this.

Besides, I want to see if Steve’s cyber-implants short out or electrocute everyone in the tub.


WiFi Speed Spray

It’s the perfect gift for your gullible friend who can’t afford to switch to 802.11g.


Bruce Eckel interview at Borland’s Community site

Check out this Bruce Eckel interview at Borland’s community site. The interview’s all over the map, covering what you’d expect: C++, Delphi, Java, Borland’s IDEs, Java vs. C#, and of course, his new favourite language, Python. There’s also stuff you wouldn’t expect: his favourite song, his favourite movie, and whether he’d rather eat the fat from a moose’s eyeball or a Pop-Tart™ (really!).

In honour of tonight’s meeting of the pyGTA (Greater Toronto Area Python User Group), I’ll end with the most Pythonic quote from the article:

Saving the best for last [he discusses other programming languages just before this part], I’ve said in numerous places that Python is my favorite language, and this is because I’m most productive in that language. I can get so much more done in Python than in any other language I’ve encountered that it’s very hard for me to use those other languages, because to do so means throwing away time. Also, I’ve found the Python community to be my favorite group of language people; I can’t figure out how or why this is the case, but it retains the gentleness and enthusiasm that I most value in my interactions with a language community. I look forward to when I finally get my plate cleared enough that I can continue working on “Thinking in Python.”


Show Desktop for OS X (or "Damn you, Hammersley!")

On OS X, I believe there was some magic keystroke — possibly a magic click on a “close window” button — that closed all the windows and revealed the desktop. I’m pretty sure I’ve used it once before. I think.

On OS 9, it was easy — you’d just select “Minimize All” from the application menu (once again, I think that’s what it’s called — OS 9 and prior feel like distant memories now. On Windows, you can either click on the Desktop icon on the Taskbar or use the magic keystroke Windows-M.

Now you can get that capability in Show Desktop, an app that you can have either in the Dock or the menubar that will hide all open windows with a click. You can even provide it with a list of apps to exclude, just in case there were apps that you’d never want it to minimize (“Someone may be trying to reach me on iChat right now!)

I was going to post this entry to Forwarding Address: OS X, after looking for such a utlity to install on my spiffy new 12″ Powerbook. While checking to make sure that nobody on that blog had already written about it, I found that Ben Hammersely posted such an entry…today!

Damn you, Hammersley! Damn you to Hell!


Getting XMMS to play MP3s on Red Hat 9

I’d just installed Red Hat 9 on my work desktop box, fired up XMMS and pointed it at Groove Salad when I got a dialogue box saying something along the lines of:

In order to stay out of any trouble with Thomson, who charge royalties (75 cents per unit, or a one-time fee of US$50,000 – $60,000) to anyone who develops MP3 encoding or decoding software, we’ve removed MP3 playback capability. Sorry.

Finding out that XMMS no longer plays MP3s is like finding out that your set of flathead screwdrivers will no longer actually turn screws, but still can be used to open cans of paint.

Luckily, there’s a quick fix. This site has an RPM that restores MP3 playback capability to the versions of XMMS that come with Red Hat versions 8 and 9.


Fuel for your Friday flamewar

It’s Friday, which means it’s time to gather at the pub over beer and engage in debate! Programming languages, especially ones by Microsoft, are always good for raising ire and blood pressure. May I suggest, for your reading pleasure:

I personally have no religious tendencies when it comes to programming languages, other than an aversion to Perl. To close, allow me to quote Master Yoda and his opinion of Python vs. Perl


With Yoda strapped to his back, Luke climbs up one of the many thick vines that grow in the swamp until he reaches the Dagobah statistics lab. Panting heavily, he continues his exercises — grepping, installing new packages, logging in as root, and writing replacements for two-year-old shell scripts in Python.

YODA: Code! Yes. A programmer’s strength flows from code maintainability. But beware of Perl. Terse syntax…more than one way to do it…default variables. The dark side of code maintainability are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you when code you write. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.

LUKE: Is Perl better than Python?

YODA: No… no… no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.

LUKE: But how will I know why Python is better than Perl?

YODA: You will know. When your code you try to read six months from now.

(Taken from the Python Humor Page.)