In the News

Totally Unanticipated, Except for When They Expected It

[via Rude Pundit and Doc Searls] President Bush, on yesterday's edition of Good Morning America said:"I don't think anyone could…

19 years ago

“Pop Quiz, Hotshot…”

There's a lot of "tsk tsk" going on with regards to the ill-preparedness of virtually everyone involved in the wake…

19 years ago

Please let this be a rescue rather than a food run

Strangest photo of the Katrina aftermath thus far:

19 years ago

Hurricane Katrina Blog for Relief Day

This blog, along with the others for which I write (The Farm, Blogware, IndieGameDev) is joining with Instapundit, The Truth Laid Bear and…

19 years ago

“Cat/Dead Rat” Rears Its Ugly Head Again (or: How Geeks Can Help with the Katrina Relief Effort)

Napoleon Dynamite reference: "I caught you this delicious mouse!" One of my favourite observations of Paulina Borsook, author of the…

19 years ago

If You’ve Got a Couple of Bucks to Spare…

...and really, even if it's only a literal couple of bucks, send them to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. This…

19 years ago

Joi on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Joi Ito -- whom like Wendy, I met at the first BloggerCon -- was invited to write a guest editorial…

19 years ago

An Accordion World Record

David Akin emailed me about this earlier today: yesterday in St. John's, Newfoundland, almost 1,000 people gathered to play accordion…

19 years ago

Tom Gets a Write-Up in the BBC

One of the most popular Blogware-based blogs out there is Random Acts of Reality, written by a blogger who goes…

19 years ago

R.I.P. Myron Floren

[Thank to abnu for the heads-up!] Back when we lived together during our stay at Crazy Go Nuts University, George…

19 years ago