In the News

In Case You Were Wondering… Unitarian Jihad name fits my centrist sensibilties quite well: it's Brother Broadsword of Moderation. You can get your own…

19 years ago

Cat Hunting?

[via Boing Boing] Given my dislike of cats, I find it amusing that Wisconsin is considering making cat hunting legal.…

20 years ago

You Have Been Following the Adscam Thing, Haven’t You?

It's been a busy week at work and at home, so I haven't had a chance to cover everything. Rather…

20 years ago

RIP Pope John Paul II

...and in tribute, my favourite photo of the Pontiff (yes, it's real): Vaya con Dios.

20 years ago

Canada’s Coolest Band Plays the World’s Coolest Instrument

Proof: This photo from Exclaim! magazine's article on The Arcade Fire:

20 years ago

Rannie’s on TV Tonight!

Rannie "Photojunkie" Turingan, who in my opinion is the heart and soul of the Greater Toronto Area Bloggers group, will…

20 years ago

It’s Funny Because It’s True

Overheard at the coffee shop: "Sean Penn became his Team America puppet at the Oscars!"

20 years ago

Free Mojtaba and Arash Day

I spent the evening at the hospital checking up on Dad (he's doing well -- he talked wedding plans for…

20 years ago

Happy 40th, Canadian Flag!

It's easy to forget that while Canada is one hundred years older than I am (Confederation took place in 1867, I…

20 years ago

Chess is Now a Water Sport

[via The Colbinator] Here's an interesting way to liven up those stuffy chess matches.

20 years ago