In the News

Here’s where I go and annoy cat-lovers

[ via Ranting and Roaring ] The conclusion I draw from this finding is that ancient people "brown bagged" their…

21 years ago

Great parody ad

I can't remember where I found this graphic, but I like it a lot: For more about the activites of…

21 years ago

Another member of the Crazy Go Nuts University "Media Mafia"

I always noted that there was something familiar about the writings of one Father Raymond J. De Souza -- he…

21 years ago

Not bad for Day One

I remember hearing about Air America Radio in the news, but it was its mention in the #joiito channel on…

21 years ago


[ via The Meatriarchy ] "Fluorescent" is Korean slang used to describe someone who takes a little bit longer to…

21 years ago

Notes from the "The Corporation" presentation, part 3

Here are the last of my notes from the presentation for The Corporation. I'm going to gather them all into…

21 years ago

Notes from the "The Corporation" presentation, part 2

The Film and The BookBakan called himself the content maker, giving credit to Achbar and Abbott for their filmmaking skills.Tried…

21 years ago

Area Man Writes Book!

Cory Doctorow, my friend and the guy for whom I was a lieutnenant at OpenCola (whenever I called myself his…

21 years ago

Notes from the "The Corporation" presentation, part 1

Here's the first of my notes from last night's session with Joel Bakan, author of The Corporation. More later today.…

21 years ago

Cory’s notes of Bruce Sterling’s SXSW Rant-a-Thon

I really should take much greater pains to make sure I'm at South By Southwest Interactive Festival next year. Once…

21 years ago