In the News

Some fodder for tonight’s presentation on "The Corporation"

It's news from two Saturdays ago, but still relevant: Kraft Bonuses: $10M Amid Layoffs. I am mindful of the fact…

21 years ago

Chicks dig accordions

[ via Eldon Brown ] Here's an excerpt from an interview with Gloria Estefan: Music was her only refuge. It…

21 years ago

Actually, hobbits are better dressers

From Shrine of the Holy Whapping comes this report of a fashion crime in progress:  To quote actor Rainer Wolfcastle…

21 years ago

“Longing and Shorting” in The Globe and Mail

My Longing and Shorting post from December was adapted for the Saturday edition of The Globe and Mail. It's the…

21 years ago

Wish I’d thought of this

David Chess writes this great quip: In the future, everyone will be married to Britney Spears for fifteen minutes. My…

21 years ago

New lows from the looney left and drooling right

On the left, we have Thomas Walkom in the Toronto Star, who takes the "Bush = Hitler" equation and rejiggers…

21 years ago

"Please stop hitting me! I’m on drugs!"

From the Toronto Star: The moral for a man who broke into a Newmarket [a town just north of Accordion…

21 years ago

Where "choice" means "my God-given right to direct access to the most impressionable and gullible marketing demographic"

"We're restricting choice," said Calla Farn, a spokeswoman for the industry group, Refreshments Canada, after Coca-Cola Co. and PepsiCo Inc.…

21 years ago

More of "Burbs vs. Downtown"

In this earlier posting, I mentioned a series of National Post articles on what they called "the eternal struggle within…

21 years ago

When tattoos and surgery go terribly, terribly wrong

According to this news article, an unfortunate man went into surgery with a tattoo that read "I LOVE WOMEN". Unfortunately,…

21 years ago