In the News

James Kim Found Deceased

That's the news according to CNET and the site. My deepest condolences to the Kims and their family and…

18 years ago

If you've been following the story about the Kims (which I mentioned in the previous entry), there's a site set…

18 years ago


One story that will stick with me forever is Jack London's short story of winter survival, To Build a Fire.…

18 years ago

Supertelevangelistic Sex-and-Drugs Psychosis

If you remember Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious from the Mary Poppins movie and if you've heard of the Pastor Ted scandal, you'll love…

18 years ago

File This Under "Classy Parents Raising Classy Children"

Here's a still from the video of Rick Santorum's concession speech in which his son fails the Kobayashi Maru Test:…

18 years ago

The Best Comment and Photo on Last Night’s U.S. Midterm Elections…

The best comment on last night's U.S. midterm elections comes from Jonah Goldberg of the National Review: I for one…

18 years ago

Today’s "Global Nerdy" Plug

Nobody writes a marketing slogan like my buddy George. His catchphrase for our tech blog, Global Nerdy, is "You'll come…

18 years ago

Five Girls for Every Boy

In the International Herald-Tribune, there's an article on the social situation in Beirut, where young women outnumber young men by…

18 years ago

Bobbing for Apples, Cheney-Style and "Dilbert’s" Change of Mind

It's a day late, but here's an amusing Hallowe'en comic courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele: In torture-related news, Dilbert creator…

18 years ago

Sayonara, Casual Conversation

Over at Global Nerdy, a little piece on computer security guru Bruce Schneier's essay, Casual Conversation, R.I.P..

18 years ago