In the News

Lisa Reports from the Israel/Lebanon Border

My friend Lisa, a freelance journalist who lives in Tel Aviv, reports in her blog On the Face about her experiences on the border of Israel and Lebanon in an article titled Welcome to the Shooting Gallery. The stories and photos are a mix of the destruction brought about by war, such as this picture of Kibbutz Kfar Giladi on fire:

Photo of Kibbutz Kfar Giladi on fire.

…the often-surreal world of geopolitics, as shown in this strange-but-funny sign on the fence demarcating the border:

Photo of chain link/barbed-wire fence along Israel/Lebanon border with a sign that reads 'Stop! Border right in front of you'.

…and how even amidst all the altillery fire, some businesspeople try to go about with the daily routine, as shown in this photo of the breakfast spread at a guest house in Metulla called Beit Shalom, which translates from Hebrew as “House of Peace”:

Photo of the breakfast spread at Beit Shalom.

Lisa updates her Flickr photostream regularly, so be sure to check that out too.

Stay safe, Lisa!

In the News

The "On Notice" Board Generator

The 'On Notice' Board Generator, based on 'The Colbert Report'.
My personal “On Notice” board, created with the “On Notice” Board Generator. You may need to Google some of the items in that list.

Here’s the latest in online sign generators: The On Notice Board Generator, which lets you create your own version of Stephen Colbert’s “On Notice” Board from The Colbert Report.

In the News

"You Laughed at the Shoe Thing Too, Remember?"

In response to the current airport security measures, my good buddy George writes:

Every time I take off my shoes, and now, when I have to travel carry-on/gel/liquid free and suck back breast milk in front of a TSA employee, I can’t help but feel that, somewhere, a would-be terrorist is laughing at me.

and David Malki illustrates roughly the same sentiment on his comic, Wondermark!, featuring an imagine Al Qaeda terror nrainstorming session:

Wondermark comic for August 11, 2006.

Click the comic to see the original.

In the News

“Snakes on a Plane” Came a Little Early

Terror Plot Foiled

Today will probably be a very interesting day for new watchers and a very bad day for airline travellers: initial news reports say that a terrorist plot to blow up a number of airliners departing from London and bound for the U.S. in mid-air was thwarted.

Some news sources:

“Liquid Explosives” is the New “Boxcutter”

Watch for it to be the phrase most used on TV and most Googled: the arrested people are accused of sneaking liquid explosives in their carry-on luggage.

According to Schneier on Security, the UK has issued a ban on all carry-on baggage with the following exceptions…

  • Pocket size wallets and pocket size purses plus contents (for example money, credit cards, identity cards etc (not handbags);
  • Travel documents essential for the journey (for example passports and travel tickets);
  • Prescription medicines and medical items sufficient and essential for the flight (e.g. diabetic kit), except in liquid form unless verified as authentic;
  • Spectacles and sunglasses, without cases;
  • Contact lens holders, without bottles of solution;
  • For those traveling with an infant: baby food, milk (the contents of each bottle must be tasted by the accompanying passenger);
  • Sanitary items sufficient and essential for the flight (nappies, wipes, creams and nappy disposal bags);
  • Female sanitary items sufficient and essential for the flight, if unboxed (e.g. tampons, pads, towels and wipes) tissues (unboxed) and/or handkerchiefs;
  • Keys (but no electrical key fobs)

…and the US Transportation Safety Administration has announced these new rules, summarized in this news story:

Passengers are not allowed to have gels or liquids of any kind at screening points or in the cabin of any airplane.

They said this includes beverages, food, suntan lotion, creams toothpaste, hair gel, or similar items. Those items must be packed into checked luggage. Beverages bought on the secure side of the checkpoint must be disposed of before boarding the plane.

There are several exceptions to the new rule. Baby formula, breast milk, or juice for small children, prescription medications where the name matched the name of a ticked passenger, as well as insulin and other essential health items may be brought onboard the plane.

Schneier writes:

Given how little we know of the extent of the plot, these don’t seem like ridiculous short-term measures. I’m sure glad I’m not flying anywhere this week.

I’m inclined to agree.

In the News

Meanwhile, Over in Israel…

Lisa writes that things are a wee bit hairy in Metulla, a small town in northern Israel, right by the Lebanese border. She also recorded a video of the strange calm in the cafe she was in as air raid sirens blare and muffled explosions can be heard in the background. “A siren goes off,” she writes, “and everyone’s so used to hearing them that they don’t even move or react.”

Be sure to check out her Flickr photos — she’s been posting plenty of pictures lately.

Her next stop: Kiryat Shmona. Stay safe, Lisa.

In the News

CBC Interview with Cory Doctorow

Photo of Cory Doctorow by Bart Nagel.

My friend (and old boss and officemate) Cory Doctorow did an interview on CBC Radio One earlier today with Jian Ghomeshi on Sounds Like Canada in which he talked about BoingBoing, Wikipedia, media in general and how the ‘net can help you “find your weird”. Thanks to the CBC’s ‘net simulcast and WireTap Pro, I captured the interview, downsampled it to a nice downloadable-sized MP3 and am now sharing it with you. Here’s the file [8.4 MB MP3, interview length 18 minutes, 17 seconds] — enjoy!

In the News

The Protocols of the Drunk Drivers of Malibu, Part 3

Rob Schneider’s heart was in the right place for calling out Mel Gibson in an open letter posted as an advertisement in the August 3rd edition of the Hollywood rag Variety (shown below):

Rob Schneider's open letter to Mel Gibson.

Hearts in right places aside, I doubt that his “I’ll never work with you, Mel Gibson!” swagger will be any more effective than a hypothetical threat by Britney Spears to never work with transistor-inventor-turned-race-eugenicist William Shockley, her knowledge of semiconductor physics notwithstanding.