In the News It Happened to Me

The Andrew Baron Videos

I posted them, took them down, and now they’re back up. Explanations are forthcoming, but in the meantime, here are my videos of Rocketboom’s Andrew “Drew” Baron speaking at Friday night’s CaseCamp:

In the News

Foot-in-Mouth Moment of the Day

It was going so well: Presidential hopeful Senator Joe Biden (Democratic Party, Delaware) was chatting up a supporter (or perhaps ex-supporter now) of Indian descent who said that more support was forthcoming from the Indian-American community. Then he ruined it, and worse still, it was caught on video:

His gaffe:

“In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking!

Biden’s staff is spinning this one pretty hard. Here’s what a spokesperson told ABC’s The Note:

“The point Senator Biden was making is that there has been a vibrant Indian American community in Delaware for decades. It has primarily been made up of engineers, scientists and physicians, but more recently, middle class families are moving into Delaware and purchasing family-run small businesses. These families have greatly contributed to the vibrancy of the Indian American community in Delaware and are making a significant contribution to the national economy as well. Senator Biden has tremendous admiration for the Indian American community. They have enjoyed a long-standing relationship of mutual support and respect.”

In the News

More Evidence in the Case for Southern Secession

I’m a good Catholic boy, and even I think this thing in Tennessee is ridiculous:

In roughly the same vein:

In the News

Meanwhile, in Business News…

In the News

"Bender" and Al Gore Promote "An Inconvenient Truth"

Click the image to see the video.

Here’s a strange collaboration: “Bender” from Futurama and Al Gore in cartoon form appear in a promo for An Inconvenient Truth, which has been posted on YouTube. I never thought I’d ever hear Al Gore utter the word “pimp”.

In the News

Traffic Report In Tha Hizzle!

Click the image above to see the Jenny the traffic reporter from Winston-Salem, North Carolina deliver her report…as a rap. She might not be Lady Sovereign, but I give her mad props for the effort.

It’s a pity that the weather guy couldn’t follow up with a forecast like this:

In the News

Feet Don’t Fail Me Now

Pictured below is one of those freak instances that a photographer just managed to capture: a rabbit unlucky enough to be wandering on the runway as an Airbus 380 (which isn’t yet in general use) comes in for a landing. The rabbit escaped unharmed, which is quite an achievement; the landing speed for commercial airliners is in the neighbourhood of 250 km/h. There are more details on the story here.

A wag named Ryland quipped upon seeing the photo: “Ladies and gentlemen, if you look out the windows on the left side of the plane, you can see Easter being cancelled.”