In the News

This is Laura. She Rocks Out.

Photo: Laura Bush throws the horns!

Click the photo to see the corresponding Yahoo! News page.

Egad. The only woman less qualified to “throw the horns” is Kathie Lee Gifford.

Perhaps this is related to the news that the other fake cowboy, Kid Rock, is playing the youth presidential inaugural concert hosted by the Bush twins (a.k.a. “Drunk and Drunker”).

In the News

R.I.P., Lennie

The guy who wrote the book on opening sequences in Law and Order passed away yesterday.

Photo: Jerry Orbach.

Only Jerry could put Baby in the corner.

Here’s the ABC News story, here’s Gothamist’s coverage with plenty of links and here are some Lennie Briscoe snappy remarks.

Photo: Desk-top nameplate reading 'Det. Leonard W. Briscoe.

In the News

Shout-Out to Mah East Coast Homiez

(Pardon the street argot — I’ve been playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on the PlayStation 2 that Wendy got me for Christmas.)

My thanks to the Halifax Herald for listing this blog as one of the notable Canadian ones. I’d also like to send a shout-out to my co-worker Bessy Nikolaou for telling me about it.

In the News

Rob MacDougall on Carlson and Coulter on Canada

Rob MacDougall is a friend of mine from Crazy Go Nuts University. We worked together for years on Crazy Go Nuts University’s intentionally funny newspaper, Golden Words. He now has a Ph.D. in History from Harvard and is a post-doc research fellow at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

(There are some starange parallels here: Rob’s at Harvard, where Wendy

works, and he’s married to an American Jewish girl, as I will be come

September. I met Wendy at a party I gate-crashed at Norton’s Woods in

the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.)

You may have heard of Tucker Carlson, whom Jon Stewart correctly identified as a dick on Crossfire not so long ago. You may have also heard of Ann Coulter, foaming-at-the-mouth neocon pinup attack dog and poster child for bipolar personality disorder.

They recently had a field day with President Bush’s recent visit to

Canada, going on with lines like “better hope the United States doesn’t

roll over one night and crush

them. They are lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent”

[Coulter] and “Without the U.S., Canada is essentially Honduras, but

colder and much

less interesting  The average Canadian is busy dogsledding.” [Carlson]

Apparently, for Coulter and Carlson, high school hasn’t quite ended.

What they’re doing, is the equivalent of the jocks harassing the chess

club with “hey, faggot” or “hey, [insert your favourite racist epithet

here]” taunts. Someone should remind them that those tables often turn

once high school is over and university and the real world beckon.

Donna Wentworth of the EFF by way of Wendy pointed me to this video of the Carlson and Coulter having their “Blame Canada” fest. I’d comment, but Rob has done a much better job already.

In the News

Can You Name the 9 US Supreme Court Justices?

[via MetaFilter] According to a recent survey of “a representative sample of 1000 adults nationwide [America]”, two-thirds couldn’t name any of the justices of the US Supreme Court.

I wonder how many of the same people surveyed can name any winners of the Survivor reality TV series.

(I’m not American, and I can name two-thirds of the Justices.)

In the News Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

This Saturday in Dundas Square: World’s Largest Poutine!

Photo: A dish of poutine.

Poutine makes the Baby Atkins cry!

The X, an afterschool TV show on the CBC will be hosting an event at Accordion City’s Dundas Square (our half-done Times Square wanna-be), where they will make the world’s largest poutine. The event will take place this Saturday, December 11th, between 2 and 4 p.m..

New York Fries (strangely enough, a company headquartered here in Accordion City) will provide 700 pounds of poutine. You can get some as long as you bring a non-perishable food item for the Daily Bread Food Bank.

For those of you not familiar with this French Canadian signature dish, poutine is made of french fries covered with cheese curds and gravy. Back during my time at Crazy Go Nuts University,

I would enjoy this on cold winter nights after an evening’s debauchery.

Poutine and a lot of water is a tried-and-true hangover preventative

(aside, of course, the no-fun option of not drinking).

In the News

In Hindsight, This Ad’s Kinda Creepy

Here’s an old Union Carbide ad from Miss Fipi Lele. It has the title Science Helps Build a New India:

Picture: Old Dow advertisement featuring their work in India (pre-Bhopal).