In the News

When did “Newman” lose all the weight?

Here’s the Wayne Knight I remember:

And now he looks like this:

Notice the missing 117 pounds.

The question is: will he still get acting roles? The “fat guy” schtick
was, if you’ll pardon the expression, his bread and butter.

In the News

Fictional Spiders from Both Sides of the War

There: Allah Sent Spiders to Defeat the Americans

Sheik Sumide’i: They [the Americans] attacked Falluja and tried to cause great damage to its residents.
They destroyed mosques and homes,
killed women, children, and youths,
and spread corruption in Falluja.
Nevertheless, we believe that Allah protects the believers,
and indeed, Allah stood beside Falluja,
and I’d like to mention some miracles
Allah performed in Falluja.
It is possible that the media
does not know about them.

The first miracle that
occurred in Falluja
took the form of spiders
that appeared in the city –
each spider larger than this chair,
or about the size of this chair.
The American soldiers left,
holding the legs of this spider,
and I too, in one of the Friday
sermons, held up a spider,
with all its magnitude, in front of the satellite channels and in front of the world.
This spider also had thin black hair.
If this hair touches the human body,
within a short period of time
the body becomes black or blue,
and then there is an explosion
in the blood cells
in the human body –
and the person dies.

This is one of the miracles performed in support of Falluja,
and the Jihad that took place in Falluja.
Despite the damage done
to the American forces…

Interviewer: The people saw it, but the TV
stations did not air it?

Here: The Spiders

A web comic in which the U.S. military,
under President Al Gore utilizes robotic spiders controlled by American
internet users to monitor and perform psy-ops on the Taliban.

In spite of the slightly just out-of-reach tech and “ecstast bombs”, it’s more plausible than the Iraqi sheikh story. The Spiders is currently on hiatus, but still an interesting read.

In the News

This is why nobody tries to ruin my parties

CNN reports:

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Four members
of a family have been arrested and charged with murder for allegedly
killing and eating a relative during a wedding reception — and serving
his flesh to unwitting party guests, police have said.

At the
July 17 wedding of his daughter, Eladio Baule got angry with his cousin
Benjie Ganay who tripped and accidentally touched the bride’s bottom,
said Senior Police Inspector Perla Bacuel, at Narra town in Palawan
province, southwest of Manila.

A few hours later, Baule, his son
Gerald, another cousin Junnie Buyot and a nephew, Sabtuari Pique,
allegedly confronted Ganay, then drove him to a secluded place where
they stabbed him to death, Bacuel said.

Buyot, who surrendered to
police and is acting as a witness, told police they then roasted
Ganay’s body using coconut leaves and kerosene, Bacuel said.

Do not mess with us Flips. We are badasses!

In the News

Political Map of Middle Earth

My housemate Paul sent me a link to this political map of Middle Earth:

You can’t see her at this scale, but Michelle Malkin is located right below the Eye of Sauron.

Click on the map to see the full-size version.

If you want to a “real” map of Middle Earth, check out this site.

In the News

Not Handling It Very Well

[ via Kaye Trammell’s So This Is Mass Communication? ] Some journos aren’t handling the bloggers’ encroachment into areas that are Theirs By Divine Right very well:

Remember, folks: Jayson Blair had credentials, as did the model rocketeers at Dateline NBC. Danah Boyd is right: some journos are running scared.

In the News

The New SAT

The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is an American standardized test
used as part of the criteria for admission to colleges and
universities. There’s a new one for 2005 and MSN has a sample test made
up of 8 math questions — how would you fare?

I got a perfect score using only a piece of scrap paper to keep track of the addends and subtrahend in question 6.

In the News Music

R.I.P. Rick James

It was announced only 20 minutes ago: Rick James, the man behind the hit single Super Freak and Dave Chapelle’s most-quoted routine, is dead at the age of 56.

I have got to get me boots like those.

Super Freak was my first “signature song” when I started DJing at Clark Hall Pub at Crazy Go Nuts University: when you heard Rick singing “She’s a very kinky giiiiirl…”, you knew that I was manning the booth.

Thanks for the music, Rick!

Download Super Freak (3.1 MB, 128k MP3)