In the News

Guile’s Election Goodies

My co-worker Guile (who, like me, occupies Centerville on the political map) has the best line about the Liberal Party of Canada:

“I think the Liberals need to take a time out, stand in the corner and think about what they’ve done.”

He’s also come up with a great way for followers of the Canadian federal election to spend tonight: playing the Election Night Drinking Game.

Special advice to protest voters: If you must protest by spoiling your
ballot, do it by voting for Ross Rader as your write-in candidate. Look at that trustworthy face:

Vote for Boss Ross: whaddaya gonna do, vote for the Green Party?

In the News

Never mind “solving dating”. We need to solve the people who are trying to solve dating.

Annalee Newitz, whom I met at CodeCon in 2002 (see the entry They’re Not “Strippers”, They’re “Naked-Americans”), has written an article for Wired titled Cracking the Code to Romance.
The article profiles four hackers who are using technology to
“optimize” (in computer programming parlance, this means “make faster”
or “make more efficient”) dating.

I’m hardly what you’d call a Luddite nor could I honestly laugh at the
use of assistive technology to land a date. I do, after all, carry an
accordion to social events (even though these days, I’m spoken for — I
use its power to assist my only my friends now). To one degree or
another, we all use some kind of “dating optimization” to improve our
odds of finding a mate, or at least some with whom to mate

  • Getting into shape at the gym
  • Dressing nicely (“nicely” varying with the sort of person you’re trying to attract)
  • Wearing cologne/perfume/eau de toilette/patchouli (you dirty hippie)
  • Going
    to places where disproprotionately large numbers of single people
    gather and drink fluids that are conducive to loosened
    inhibitions/clouded judgement
  • Asking
    to be introduced to someone (by a friend/a dating service/speed
    dating/online dating/asking the guy with the accordion to play a song
    for that cute girl on your behalf)

That being said, this article is going to make geeks look twice as
creepy as the stereotype. Not just “dishevelled guy who’s staring at
you from the back of the bus” creepy and not even “costumed guy trying
to invite you back to ‘yiffapalooza’ back at his suite and ‘see what furries are really like'” creepy but 
“if we put it to a vote, I’ll bet we could have these guys rounded up,
chemically castrated and drugged so much they could be used as
paperweights so women will feel safe” creepy.

The Googler:

(All theory and no practice. This guy is the dating world equivalent of an economist.)

Chau Vuong, a 33-year-old former equity analyst who specialized in
pharmaceutical companies at the investment bank Robertson Stephens,
admits he’s never kissed a girl. He hopes that one day he’ll get
married and lose his virginity. “I don’t actually date,” he explains.
“I just research it.” With a doctorate in pharmacy and a background in
computer science, the self-described “extreme type-A personality” works
full time on a desperately personal project: “to solve dating by
turning Google into a global dating service.”

The Blogger:

(This profile isn’t creepy as it is Beavis-and-Butthead-y.)

When I arrive at the Condomania offices to meet Filkins, he’s finishing
up some business on the phone. I wander around his workspace while he
talks, peering with mild trepidation into giant candy jars full of
tricolor condoms and shiny plastic packets of lube. In one room, I
discover a “condomenorah.” Condoms of various hues and sizes are
attached to nine PVC pipes arranged to resemble Hanukkah lights.
Filkins joins me and grins as his colleague flips a switch, sending air
through the pipes and allowing me to inspect the wares in their fully
operational state.

The Sniffer:

(Oh, dude. Dude. Dude. STOP IT!

To borrow a quote from Ray, the cat from the webcomic Achewood, “Maybe
I got to put spackle all over my monitor to keep you [people] out
of my face all the time. JESUS the internet was not supposed to be this

Perhaps you shouldn’t have used your real name, buddy.)

Between marathon Java-thrashing sessions, he often finds he wants to
introduce himself to “a cute girl with a laptop” but is too shy to make
an approach. That’s where the Sniffer comes in handy. If a hottie fires
up her AOL Instant Messenger client, Burton sees her login name and can
send her an IM. “I’ve gotten several first dates that way,” he says.
“Women think it’s cute when I can make a message pop on their machine
as if by magic. Now that so many women are online, it’s our chance as
geeks to start getting more dates.”

Burton says he’s written dozens of hacks, including a bot that combs
Craigslist personals and IMs him when it finds a candidate that meets
his specs. But his favorite is a browser plug-in for the dating site
Hot or Not. “The problem with Hot or Not is it keeps presenting the
same pictures over and over because it’s random,” he explains. “My
plug-in remembers which ones I’ve seen and will skip them. That way I
can get through the whole site. When I did that, I had about 50 hot
women spamming me the next day.”

The Stalker:

(These guys are doing security
research rather than trying to optimize dating. I wonder why Annalee
inlcuded them in the set of profiles and why she gave these guys — the
seeming best-adjusted of the bunch — the creepiest name.)

These guys churn out hacks that thin the membrane between dating and
stalking. They spend their afternoons chronicling and exploiting the
vulnerabilities in dating sites and social networks. But the strange
thing is, they’re not doing it to meet women. They don’t care about
getting lucky. Moore, in fact, is married and has a baby daughter.
In the News It Happened to Me

Welcome, Toronto Star Readers!

Today’s edition of the Toronto Star has an article in the I.D. section titled Flogging Blogging. There’s a sidebar that didn’t make it into the online edition that has this snippet:
Joey, the country’s foremost Filipino-Canadian blogger. His 26/05/2004 response to an anti-immigrant article proves that My Canada Includes Accordian [sic] Guy.

 My thanks to the Star and author Showey Yazdanian!

If you’ve come here for the fisrt time, there are two and a half years’ worth of entries. You’ll find some of the “best of” entries catalogued here. Feel free to look around!

P.S. It’s spelled “accordiOn”.

P.P.S. My apologies for the use of the <blink> tag, I believe it is warranted.

In the News

“My party’s leader came to talk about tax cuts, but all I got was this embarrassing photo”

One job I’d hate to have right now: the PR wonk for the Conservative party who has to spin the photo below:

  It’s as if Quentin Tarantino directed “Grumpy Old Men”! “Uh…we’re great! Um…and..we’re straight! And…uh…ah, screw it, rhyming slogans are for homos…” ** POW **

It appears on the front page of today’s National Post and shows an unidentified (and unbalanced) Conservative supporter punching Bob Smyth, an activist from Canadians for Equal Marriage. Apparently Smyth was heckling Conservative party leader Stephen Harper during a speech and the supporter decided some smiting was in order.

The Toronto Star reports:

Laurie Arron, 41, and Bob Smyth, 58, heckled the Tory leader during his
speech, an unidentified senior citizen punched Smyth and attempted to
hit him with a small wooden signpost.
Police ejected both Arron
and Smyth and Harper said afterward that he regretted the tussle and
wished that people would “treat each other respectfully.”

Strangely enough, there’s no mention of the police ejecting the guy who actually threw the punch. Good call, jackasses.

In the News

Suddenly, Vanilla Ice Doesn’t Seem So Bad

I’ll let Yahoo News do the talking:

Hasselhoff Has Rapping Down To An Ice-T

Rap legend Ice-T is risking his massive reputation on his latest
recruit – middle-aged former beach bum David Hasselhoff.The original
gangsta believes he can turn the ex-Baywatch star into hip hop’s next
big thing.Ice and Hasselhoff, 51, are neighbours in Los Angeles and
have struck up a close friendship.

The rapper – real name Tracey Morrow – told The Sun: “The man is a legend, we are going to show a whole new side of him.

“He’s gonna come out as Hassle the Hoff.

“The Hoff will surprise people with his rap skills and humour.”

The Hoff meister is no stranger to the music industry having conquered Germany through his soft rock skills.

And he notched up a no 35 hit in the UK with If I Could Only Say Goodbye in 1993.

In the News It Happened to Me

Mentioned in the Globe and Mail

While in Boston, I got an rather excited call from my friend Anne, who told me that I got mentioned in the Focus section of Saturday’s edition of the Globe and Mail (Canada’s National Newspaper that doesn’t secretly want us to be annexed by the U.S. ). On page F6, there’s a quick writeup of Never Threaten to Eat Your Co-Workers: Best of Blogs, a collection of blog entries in which my “New Girl Story” appears.

Here’s what was written:

Never Threaten to Eat Your Co-Workers: Best of Blogs, edited by Alan Graham and Bonnie Burton, Apress, $17.99 (U.S.)

This best-of collection nicely captures the voyeuristic appeal of
“web logs” — blogs — with a selection of entries as international as
the World Wide Web. Canada is well represented with strong pieces by
Toronto blogger Joey de Villa, better known as Accordian [sic] Guy, and expat
Vancouverite Dean Allen, who now lives in France (with a woman who fell
in love with him via his blog).

The writeup was written by Globe and Mail writer/editor Carol Toller, whom I now like to think of as my unofficial PR agent at the paper: earlier this year, she republished the Longing and Shorting entry in the Our Town section.

Mondo thanks, Carol!

(Psst! It’s spelled “accordiOn”, not “accordiAn”.)


Recommended Reading

No, I don’t get any kickbacks for each copy sold. I got a nice little honorarium, though.


In the News

Proof That All Eminem Needs is a Stable Family Life and a Steak

[ via CarbWire, which I’m surprised Cory didn’t blog until now ] Avril Lavigne, who is famous for having been covered by me on MuchMusic, says that her angry song lyrics were the result of her eating too many carbs.

(And here I thought the songwriting trio known as The Matrix wrote her stuff.)

This isn’t the first time that sugary foods have been blamed for someone’s erratic behaviour; in the late 1970’s, there was the “Twinkie Defense”.