In the News Uncategorized

Brad Ross’ Difficult Week (or: What’s Up with the TTC’s Surface Routes?)

Wrecked TTC buses.
Photo courtesy of Toronto Buses.

I feel for Brad Ross, long-time spokesperson for the City of Toronto and now Director of Corporate Communications for Accordion City’s public transit system, the TTC. He has to put up with smartasses like me needling the TTC for a lack of originality in their signage, and in the past week, he has to help manage the PR fallout from some notable mishaps on the TTC’s surface routes:

For my limited communications with Brad and from reading the papers, I know that Brad’s a straight-talking, articulate and responsive guy, which is what the TTC is going to need in light of this week’s surface route troubles. I wish him all the best — this isn’t going to be an easy week.

In the News Uncategorized

Happy 51st Birthday, Siouxsie Sioux!

Siouxsie Sioux
Siouxsie Sioux.

Yet another sign I’m getting old: an alt-rock icon from my teen years turned 51 today — Susan Janet Ballion, better known to the world as Siouxsie Sioux (pronounced “Suzie Sue”). She and her band, Siouxsie the Banshees, were a mainstay of my music collection, and if you were a regular at Clark Hall Pub (the engineering pub at Crazy Go Nuts University) during my 1989 – 1994 DJ run, you’d probably hear one of the singles during my alt-rock sets. Somewhere in my parents’ basement is a near-complete collection of Siouxsie and the Banshees vinyl LPs; I’ll have to dig them up sometime.

In her honour, here are some Siouxsie and the Banshees videos for your enjoyment. Happy birthday, Siouxsie!

Here’s Hong Kong Garden by Siouxie and the Banshees, from 1978:

And now, some Siouxsie and the Banshees numbers from my teen years, the eighties. I’ll start with Christine from 1980:

Here’s Cities in Dust, from 1985:

Here’s their 1983 cover of Dear Prudence, which made it to a number of my mix tapes:

I’d be remiss if I didn’t show you the video for the one Siouxsie and the Banshees number that featured an accordion (or at least a very well-synthesized accordion): Peek-a-Boo, from 1988…

And finally, here’s Kiss Them for Me, from 1991, the Lollapalooza era:

In the News Uncategorized

Meme of Five

My friend Stacy tagged me with this little “Meme of Five” thing, and I decided to go along. Here are the rules:

  1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
  2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
  3. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read the player’s blog.
  4. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.

And now, my answers…

What were you doing five years ago?

Joey deVilla and the Naked News girlsMe at the Naked News party, 2003.

I was:

What are five things on your to-do list for today (not in any particular order)?


  1. Continue writing specifications for a couple of projects at b5media.
  2. Drop off my bike for a tune-up at West Side Cycle.
  3. Pack for my trip.
  4. Deposit my tax refund cheque.
  5. Kill Clarence the drug dealer for crooked cop Francis McReary in Grand Theft Auto IV.

What are five snacks you enjoy?

  1. Oreo Blizzard from the world’s most oddly-located Dairy Queen at the Dragon City mall here in Accordion City, down the street from the office, deep in the heart of Lactose Intolerance Central.
  2. Chocolate chip cookies from Le Gourmand.
  3. Fruit from Fresh and Wild.
  4. Coffee yogourt.
  5. Two small 70-cent chicken pies from Ding Dong Pastries.

What five things would you do if you were a billionaire?
(not in order of action folks!)

T-shirt: 'Two chicks at the same time'

  1. Two chicks at the same time.
  2. Set up some investments to make the money continue to work for me. Give some deserving charities nice fat cheques.
  3. Take a big steamy dump on this PC laptop and buy myself a Mac. Reimburse b5media for the laptop I just pooped on, too.
  4. Buy houses in Toronto, Boston and Manila and float between all three. Pay off any outstanding debt on my sister’s, mom’s and in-laws’ houses. Buy my brother-in-law Andy Ramoniac and his wife Sue a house.
  5. Roland FR-7 V-accordion synthesizer, baby!

What are five of your bad habits?

Pulp fiction book cover:

  1. Tendency to bite my thumbnails when deep in thought, annoyed or stressed.
  2. I check my email and IM too often.
  3. Tendency to overthink and over-edit what I write.
  4. Diet Coke.
  5. Tendency to make wildly inappropriate, lurid or so-weird-it-silences-the-room remarks.

What are five places where you have lived?

  1. Manila, Philippines: My place of birth.
  2. Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: My first home in North America. I was there before Wendy was!
  3. San Francisco, California, U.S.A.: I lived here during the dot-com bubble.
  4. Accordion City: The city in which I’ve lived the longest. I came here in 1975.
  5. Kingston, Ontario, Canada: Where I lived during the Crazy Go Nuts University years.

What are five jobs you’ve had?

Joey deVilla plays accordion while go-go dancing on the bar at The Living Room.
Me playing accordion on the bar at the nightclub “The Living Room”.

  1. Computer programmer. It’s something I’ve wanted to be since the seventh grade.
  2. Technical evangelist. A role that I landed partially because of the accordion and had from 2000 through 2007, first at OpenCola, then at Tucows.
  3. Project manager. My current job at b5media.
  4. Snow-cone street vendor. There are some interesting stories from that time that I haven’t blogged yet.
  5. Go-go dancer, pictured above. I bailed after a couple of weeks because my weekends were no longer my own, but I had a good time, and ladies did actually stuff bill down my pants. That’s why I didn’t have a bachelor party — most of my thirties was a bachelor party!
In the News

30 Minutes with CNN Headline News

Here’s a pie chart showing the content of half an hour’s worth of CNN Headline News. No wonder the results from that Indiana University study said that The Daily Show was as substantive as “real” news shows…

Graph showing the contents of 30 minutes’ worth of CNN Headline News, most of which is advertising or fluff.
Click the graph to see it on full size on its original page.

[Found via Reddit]

In the News


Here’s a close-up of the front page of the Lewiston Tribune (a newspaper in Lewiston, Idaho). Note the two pictures, which are for different stories: one of a guy making a Christmas sign, the other being surveillance camera footage of a thief. Do you see something odd that connects the two otherwise-unrelated pictures?

Snippet of the front page of the Lewiston Tribune featuring two photos for different stories, but with the same guy in each.
Click the photo to see a full-size PDF of the front page of this newspaper.

Luckily someone at the local police read the paper, put two and two together and made the arrest. The story is here.

(I have a question: Why didn’t the photo editor or layout people at the paper figure it out?)

Depending on your point of view, the lesson to be learned from this incident could be:

  • When committing a crime, don’t wear clothing that would easily identify you.
  • Sometimes the solution to a problem is to rearrange the given information.

[Found via Miss Fipi Lele and Very Short List.]

In the News

The Obligatory Conrad Black Joke

Conrad Black stars in “Let’s Go to Prison” - Coming March 2008

While I have not been following the details of the Conrad Black case, the fact that such questionable characters such as Mark Steyn and Elton John defend him doesn’t help his case as I am concerned.

In the News The Current Situation

Adios, Pendejo!

Alberto GonzalesIt’s nice to start the working week with some good news: the world’s most sleazy amnesiac, U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has resigned. Says the A-G, who’s stepping down on September 17th:

I have lived the American dream. Even my worst days as Attorney General have been better than my father’s best days.

How would he know? He can’t remember a damned thing.

Not Up on Your Spanish Profanities?

Here’s the definition of pendejo (pronounced “pen-DEH-hoh”).

Alberto Gonzales: Some Videos

Here’s a CNN piece on Gonzales’ inability to remember key details at his hearings:

Can’t see the video? Click here.

Here’s Gonzales stating that the U.S. Constitution doesn’t guarantee habeas corpus as a right:

Can’t see the video? Click here.

Here’s Jon Stewart on Bill Moyers’ show. He hits the nail on the head when he says that Gonzales, based on his testimony, is “either a perjurer or a low-functioning pinhead”:

Can’t see the video? Click here.

And finally, a telenovela from The Daily Show, Mommy, Why is the Lying Man Still in Charge of the Law?:

Can’t see the video? Click here.