My friends in my old home town, Toronto, won’t find Tampa’s current temperatures cold, but by local standards, it’s downright frigid.…
Buy me a birthday beer and hey, you’ll have emotional support aplenty.
I’ve been at this “blogging” thing since the start of November 2001, which makes this my 23rd blogaversary! StatCounter stats… In my dream last night, I heard a song I haven’t listened to in ages: The Dead Next Door,…
As Murphy’s Law would have it, moments after posting yesterday that I hadn’t yet put away our generator just in…
Here’s “Lil’ Red,” a generator we bought from a friend of the family a few years back, which I have…
Tap to view at full size. A day or two after Hurricane Milton tore its way through town, someone posted…
Tap to view at full size. A good chunk of today was devoted to cleaning up all the tree and…