It Happened to Me

Back to Work

After just over a week's worth of vacation (a weekend of outdoor bacchanalia at the Om Festival followed by a…

21 years ago

A Scene from My Vacation

Here's The Redhead facing off against me at air hockey at The Great Canadian Midway, located on Clifton Hill, the…

21 years ago

More Om Festival Photos

This photo of me hauling hammocks from the car to our campsite at the Om Festival is just one of…

21 years ago

Photos from the Om Festival

I've uploaded my photos from the Om Festival -- you can check them out in photo album or slideshow format.…

21 years ago

What I’m Doing on My Summer Vacation

My summer vacation started on Friday with a trip to the Om Festival, which can best be described as the…

21 years ago

I guess I should be flattered

You're going to need a little background for this one. First, time-warp back to early March 2003: Mandatory Cheese Sandwich…

21 years ago

Thanks, Carson!

As soon as Carson (the host) saw me walk into last night's Kickass Karaoke, he attached something to the mic…

21 years ago

Attack of the Clones

Kim says that I have a perfect double in Montana, which is kind of funny, because she has a clone…

21 years ago

Fahrenheit 451

While I'm on the topic of interesting things that you can see while walking down Queen Street West (just two…

21 years ago

Coolest. Upright Bass. Ever.

On Saturday night, I was heading to Smokeless Joe to catch up with my friends Liz and Keith when I…

21 years ago