It Happened to Me

Lederhosen Lucil at “Connect the Dots”, Saturday Night

Here's a pic of my friend and former bandmate, Lederhosen Lucil, wowing the audiences with her Yamaha Portasound keyboard wizardry…

21 years ago

Happy Day, Mom!

"Mother is the name of god on the lips and hearts of all children." -- William Makepeace Thackeray (and yes,…

21 years ago

I hate it when someone beats me to a good joke

Last Sunday, Paul, The Redhead and I were enjoying an Atkins-friendly meat-a-riffic lunch at the Korean Grill House when Paul…

21 years ago

Good News, Bad News

The good news: Dad is better now, and he was released from the hospital today at noon. The bad news:…

21 years ago

Busy Week

I've had my hands full lately. Wendy The Redhead came up to Accordion City last weekend, and among her myriad…

21 years ago

Even More Pics From the Annual Review

Suw "Chocolate and Vodka" Charman watched my review as she had dinner and took a lot of screenshots, including this…

21 years ago

Another Pic From My Employee Review

Ross: So, would you like to start off by making a statement? Me: As a matter of fact, I would.…

21 years ago

Annual Review Complete (or: "Weeeeeeee are the champions, my frieeeeeeeend…and we’ll be emplooooooooyed ’til the end…")

The review went pleasingly well, and I've got some cool directives for the upcoming year. As mentioned in the previous…

21 years ago

Annual Review Day Live Cam! (or: Beat THIS, Channel 9!)

Today is Annual Review Day here at Tucows, and Boss Ross is among those doing reviews. Boss Ross, in case…

21 years ago

Scenes From a Video Shoot

Although the clip of me and Elliot (Tucows' CEO) at my desk did not make it into David Akin's CTV…

21 years ago