It Happened to Me

The Canadian Tech Mob

Yesterday, I got some email about something called the Canadian Tech Mob, a grassroots movement to raise the profile of…

19 years ago

Interview: David Cronenberg on Andy Warhol

A "Warholized" still from the video I shot of Cronenberg's interview. On Saturday, Wendy and I had the privilege of…

19 years ago

Andrew "Rocketboom Guy" Baron’s Visit, Videos and Glamour Shots

Here's a long entry on Drew "The Rocketboom Guy" Baron's visit to CaseCamp last Friday, which includes links to the…

19 years ago

The Andrew Baron Videos

I posted them, took them down, and now they're back up. Explanations are forthcoming, but in the meantime, here are…

19 years ago

Time-Waster of the Day

Yeah, it's been around for years, but I decided that today would be the day to render me as a…

19 years ago

Happy Belated Canada Day!

I spent the holiday away from the computer, and Wendy and I had fun taking her parents around town. I…

19 years ago

Boston Bumper Stickers

When I was last in Boston -- just a couple of weeks ago, to attend Wendy's 10th college reunion --…

19 years ago

RailsConf 2006: Where AC/DC, Stravinsky and Ruby on Rails Meet!

(This article also appears on Tucows Farm.) I had the distinct honour of being invited to play an accordion opening…

19 years ago

A Year’s Worth of Girl Trouble

The web statistics suggest that I'm getting a crop of new readers, partially because of the Love/Hate T-shirt entry, partially…

19 years ago

Meanwhile, in the Blog I Get Paid to Write…

Over at Tucows Farm, an entry about being both a developer and a marketer, with a link to a particularly…

19 years ago