It Happened to Me

A Dubious Distinction

Thanks to the articles about the Japanese bag of Doritos featuring the 'Taits-Kun' ("Tights Guys") characters in some hot foot-on-nards…

19 years ago

Third Work-a-Versary

In addition to being Bastille Day, it is also the third anniversary of my joining Tucows as its Technical Community…

19 years ago

Rob and Dave at the Grizzly, Chicago

From the "I've been meaning to post this for ages" file: when I went to Chicago for RailsConf, I had…

19 years ago

How I Got This Developer Relations Gig

It all boils down to this picture, taken in New York in February 2000: The full explanation is on my…

19 years ago

The Canadian Tech Mob

Yesterday, I got some email about something called the Canadian Tech Mob, a grassroots movement to raise the profile of…

19 years ago

Interview: David Cronenberg on Andy Warhol

A "Warholized" still from the video I shot of Cronenberg's interview. On Saturday, Wendy and I had the privilege of…

19 years ago

Andrew "Rocketboom Guy" Baron’s Visit, Videos and Glamour Shots

Here's a long entry on Drew "The Rocketboom Guy" Baron's visit to CaseCamp last Friday, which includes links to the…

19 years ago

The Andrew Baron Videos

I posted them, took them down, and now they're back up. Explanations are forthcoming, but in the meantime, here are…

19 years ago

Time-Waster of the Day

Yeah, it's been around for years, but I decided that today would be the day to render me as a…

19 years ago

Happy Belated Canada Day!

I spent the holiday away from the computer, and Wendy and I had fun taking her parents around town. I…

19 years ago