It Happened to Me

What Driving Down Highway 101 Was Like

Speaking of Silicon Valley, here's a photo that captures the spirit of the San Francisco - San Jose drives that…

19 years ago

My Primary Personality Defect

As I promised in this entry, I'm going to write about my primary personality defect. It's cool to say on…

19 years ago

Victory! [Updated: Not Quite]

I'm number one! I'm number one! -- Update: Dang. In Canada. See below for details. For those of us surfing…

19 years ago

Pinko Redux

Tara Responds Tara Hunt responds to my two articles on the name "Pinko Marketing" in the comments, and I respond…

19 years ago

Scenes from a Great Tuesday

Tuesday was loads of fun, from catching the Mesh conference to doing a quick accordion bit for G4TechTV with Amber…

19 years ago

Tara Hunt at the Mesh Conference

Here's a photo of Tara Hunt doing her keynote on "Pinko Marketing" at the Mesh conference:

19 years ago

#1 Google Result

I may still be the number 2 Google result for "Joey", but I remain the number 1 result for the…

19 years ago

"Saturday Night Live’s" MySpace Skit [Updated]

Update: The video to which I originally linked was removed, so I've changed the link to another video, which ironically…

19 years ago

Panoramic Photos of Mesh Conference Sessions

Here's Tris Hussey's session, called Blogging 101. I'll blog more on this later. Click it to see the full-size version.…

19 years ago

In the Dream World, I’m a Total Dick

I got a response from the guy who had the dream in which I totally blew him off (which I…

19 years ago