I'm currently sitting in a seminar at the Evans Data Developer Relations Conference in the Argent Hotel in downtown San…
My more technically-inclined readers might want to check out my entry in The Farm titled Notes from the Bell Mobility/ESRI…
Blogstravaganza in full swing! From left to right: Andrew Coyne, John Bowman, Yours Truly. Photo from A North American Patriot.Let…
In response to the Monkey Knife Fight graphic that I posted along with my original announcement about Blogstravaganza (it's the…
(0100 is one possible binary representation of the number 4.)Mathew Hoy at HellaBoss got tagged to make a few lists…
(This article was also posted to Tucows Developer.)Last night, the second Toronto DemoCamp -- a monthly series of meetings of…
Yesterday, Michael Oliveri from the Canadian Press conducted a phone interview with me about the election and Sam Bulte. "So,…
And finally, the last of my notes from the January 11th all-candidates meeting for the Parkdale-High Park riding, complete with…
Hey, readers! I need your collective brainpower!A reader writes:I am trying to find out about the city of Roztez in…
Yesterday, I did a phone interview with Amsterdam-based Mark "Bicyclemark's Comminque" Rendeiro in which he asked me questions about the…