The following is based on my handwritten notes of the the opening statements. I'm wearing my "citizen journalist" hat here,…
Hey, readers! I've got a 90-odd megabyte video file of Sam Bulte and the other candidates being asked to take…
Earlier this evening, I attended the all-candidates meeting for my riding, Parkdale-High Park. The photo below was taken about five…
It looks as if I'm trying to hypnotize myself!Actually, that's me holding up one of the dreidel Christmas tree ornaments…
When Lisa came down to Accordion City for a visit, we -- that's me, Wendy, Deenster, Chris, Rich and Elana…
A still capture from the webcam.Excellent. It's all falling into place...
Barely hours after we paid the immigration processing fee of CDN$975 (US$847 at today's rates), Prime Minister Paul Martin announces…
A Christmas tradition at our house is the extended family Christmas dinner in which my aunts, uncles and cousins as…
Up in the northeast outskirts of Accordion City is the Pacific Mall, which proudly declares itself "North America's Largest Indoor…
As you can see, I've been busy......but regular posting, as well as all the back-posts to the Advent Calendar, will…