It Happened to Me

Movin’ Out

Well we're movin' on up, To the [west] side. To a deluxe apartment in the sky. Movin' on up, To…

20 years ago

Two Years at Tucows

In addition to being Bastille Day (which resulting in a less-than-whelming seven prisoners being freed), July 14th also marks the…

20 years ago

A Busy Week

I expect to be extremely busy this week, what with work and moving to the new place, so posting may…

20 years ago

One Letter Can Make a Big Difference

While walking down Queen Street a couple of weeks ago, I passed a couple of girls, both with acoustic guitars,…

20 years ago

Sci-Fi Burlesque!

I'll be performing a couple of vaudeville numbers at the upcoming Girlesque burlesque show taking place this Friday evening at…

20 years ago

Quick Update

I flew in from Boston early this morning, dropped the bridemaid's dress I picked up at my sister's house, picked…

20 years ago


As the last remaining occupant of my house, a place that has seen many housemates come and go -- my…

20 years ago

Tech Support / How to be Potty-Mouthed in Quebecois French

Last night was an unsuccessful round one of me versus the D-Link wireless router belonging to my friend Leesh's parents.…

20 years ago


Since my landlord lives in London, England and my apartment is in a house in downtown Accordion City, he's paying…

20 years ago

Ch0wnz0red! (And Thanks!)

First of all, everybody who commented or sent me an email regarding my inaccessible directory problem from the previous entry:…

20 years ago