It Happened to Me

Odd and Somewhat Disturbing Photo of the Day

Here's Scott drinking beer -- hardcore robot doggy style! We really have to stop serving malt liquor at the Tucows…

20 years ago

A Day in the Life

Sometimes Scott and I have these conversations that end up sounding like this police scanner chatter: Make sure you the…

21 years ago

Scott Murff IS Dick Starbuck!

Here's my friend and co-worker Scott Murff (he's in the Research and Innovation department with me) posing in the grafitti…

21 years ago

Christine on the Secret Swing

Here's Christine (who writes the Blogware-powered blog Purplecar, hosted by the fine folks at BlogHarbor) enjoying the secret swing that…

21 years ago

Scenes from a Wedding

I spent last weekend with Wendy in Baltimore, attending the wedding of my friends Herb and Jessie. The wedding was…

21 years ago

I’ve been busy…

...hence the light blogging. Wendy and I were in Baltimore this weekend, and she's beaten me to the punch in…

21 years ago

The Ultimate Culmination Of Working Stiffdom

And to think I almost missed it! I was getting started on a report for Boss Ross when I noted…

21 years ago

One last post (or: I always think of the clever lines after I leave)

Remember the story about the girl who turned me down and ended up with my lookalike? Someone mentioned The Karate…

21 years ago

Why Accordion?

This essay is from my old site. It explains how I got into accordion playing and I thought it was…

21 years ago

Yet Another 4-Axis Personality Test

You're probably familiar with the Myers-Briggs personality test, which is based on four axes:Extrovert (E) vs. Introvert (I) iNtuitive (N)…

21 years ago