Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me Music Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

The Accordion Report

While I was busy celebrating my birthday last Saturday, others were

celebrating the accordion at the 8th Annual Northeast Accordion

Festival in Minneapolis. Dave “Dave’s Picks” Polaschek sent me this scan [244KB JPEG image] of a local newspaper that covered the event (click it to see it at full size):

Photo: Newspaper clipping showing Northeast Accordion Festival on November 5th, 2005 in Minneapolis.

I haven’t been practicing as much as I should lately. Getting married

and getting Wendy moved in really disrupted all sorts of routines,

wonderful as both were. I’m slowly in the process of resuming all sorts

of things, not the least of which is a little regular keyboard practice.

Living in a condo complicates the matter; prior to getting married, I

lived in a house that was very well acoustically isolated from the

neighbours. I’m quite sure that even at medium volume, all three

adjacent units would be able to pick up the sound of me working on my

rendition of Neil Diamond’s Cracklin’ Rosie.

I can at least keep my keyboard chops sharp thanks to a pair of

headphones and my collection of old-but-trusty synthesizers — a Korg Wavestation A/D rack and a even more old-school Korg Poly-800

that Steph Fox gave to me a couple of birthdays ago. Perhaps I should

take a peek at some software synths as well — I figure my PowerBook

(1.3 Ghz 12″ AlBook, 1.25G RAM) should be up to the task. Anyone out

there have any favourites?

I’m also getting a little more accordion practice now that I’m back to regular attendance at Kickass Karaoke at the Rivoli.

Wendy likes the opportunity to exercise her lovely singing voice in

public, and those who know me know how much I love being on stage.

Last Sunday’s session was a special treat. We got to take Dave from

Chicago over to his first Kickass Karaoke, and I also got a chance to

meet Bob “Let It Bleed” Tarantino,

one of the better and saner voices in the local right-wing blogosphere.

Carson covered mine and Wendy’s drinks as a birthday present to me

(thanks for the Jagermeister, Cars!) and the wind storm kept the crowd

to a minimum, giving me a chance to go onstage often and experiment

with a few numbers. I tried a couple of new ones, including Wheatus’

high school whine-anthem Teenage Dirtbag and the moshtacular Thunder Kiss ’65

by White Zombie. How Rob Zombie can vocalize through an entire concert

using that voice is beyond me; my vocal cords were shredded after that


It Happened to Me

Happy Birthday to Me

I turn 38 today!

Photo: Joey and his birthday cake, November 2004.

Happy birthday to me,

Happy birthday to me,

Happy birthday you sexy accordion playing beast,

Happy birthday to MEEEEEEEEEE!

I’ll be celebrating at Kickass Karaoke tomorrow night at the Rivoli. Feel free to drop by!

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

The Sandwich Board Outside Bay Street Video

Bay Street Video (1172 Bay Street, just south of Bloor), one of Accordion City’s best video stores, not only puts funny comments on post-it notes in their video library,

they also put amusing comments on the sandwich board outside the store.

Here’s what I saw on the north-facing side of their sandwich board


Photo: 'Improving on Your Past' tips posted on a sandwich board outside Bay Street Video, Toronto.

And this was on the south-facing side:

Photo: 'Dealing with Bad Roomies' tips posted on a sandwich board

  outside Bay Street Video, Toronto.

I’ve got both these photos in a larger format in a photo album — you can check it out in album or slideshow form.

Be sure to check inside the store too — they’ve got a great selection for purchase or rental.

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

The Flashiest Costume at Kickass Karaoke…

…was worn by karaoke regular “Johnny O”. I shall dub it “Honore de Balzac”, but not for literary reasons…

It Happened to Me

Hallowe’en Costumes 2005

Here’s what I wore to Kickass Karaoke on Sunday: “Indigo Girls Fan”.

Wendy says that if you took away the cowboy hat, collar and leash, this

was the sort of thing she wore all through high school:

Wendy and I joined my sister, brother-in-law and nephews yesterday for their Hallowe’en run, which took place in their Kingsway

neighbourhood, on a street heavy with young families. Some of the

houses went all-out, with giant inflatable jack-o-lanterns, faux

gravestones and smoke machines. Some of the houses did such a good job

at being scary that my nephews Aidan (age 4) and Nico (age 2) 

refused to go anywhere near them.

Here’s Aidan, in his “George Shrinks in his zip-car” costume.

Nico went as Thomas the Tank Engine:

It Happened to Me

“Totally Dismal and Excellent” / Anarchie

Yesterday’s posting of the goth-themed Archie comic got BoingBoing-ed, leading to a spike in visits to this blog. Welcome, folks!

A number of posts across the blogosphere that linked to it made a couple of astute observations:

  • This may be the first time in a long time that the goth subculture hasn’t been portrayed as unstable Columbine-style Trenchcoat Mafia killers. The goths in the comic seem pretty cheerful — they must be part of the perkygoth subcategory — and quite friendly to Betty, whom when she meets them is dressed as a “normal” (the term sometimes used by goths to describe non-goths, especially mainstream ones).

    My own experience with goth-dom has been overwhelmingly positive. Being a keyboard player, I’m fond of much of the music, which tends to be synth-y. I’ve had many a lovely evening at the no-longer-existent local haunt, the Sanctuary Vampire Sex Bar, a wonderful establoshment owned by my friend Lance Goth. And lastly and most importantly, my first onstage appearance with an accordion was in front of a roomful of goths at Sanctuary, where my friend Karl Mohr and I played our first accordion rendition of Nine Inch Nails’ Head Like a Hole to great applause.

  • Many have noted that Betty, like many kids who join some kind of subculture, is doing it for the attention.
  • Reggie’s line at the end of the comic, “It’s totally dismal and excellent!” is an awesome catch phrase.

It has been said that the goth subculture is derived from two earlier subcultures: the new romantics and the punks. I don’t know if Archie or his pals ever appeared in a new romantic incarnation (wearing clothes from Parachute, listening to Visage and Vince Clarke-era Depeche Mode), but they’ve gone punk at least once, most notably in a “comic-within-a-comic” in issue 1 of Anarchy Comics:

Comic sample: Anarchie
Click the image to read the full comic.

Check out the full comic segment, titled Anarchie [433K JPEG file, may not be safe for work if your workplace is a little on the conservative side].

I rather like the lampooning of hippie parents — the pot-smoking Mr. Andrews (Archie’s dad) reminds me of a few of my friends’ folks.

[A tip of the hat to Josh Karpf for providing the comic!]

It Happened to Me

My Housemate Went to Poland and all I Got Was This "Osama and Friends" Nesting Doll Set

Last weekend, my friend and former housemate Paul gave me a very eastern European gift — a set of matreshka (Russian nesting dolls) that he picked up during his summer visit to Poland and the Czech Republic. This was an unusual set — rather than the whey-faced women and girls typically depicted on such dolls, these had the Middle East’s most notorious characters:

  • Osama Bin Laden
  • Mullah Omar
  • Saddam Hussein
  • Yasser Arafat
  • Ayatollah Khomeini

Click the image to see a photo album of shots of this matreshka.

He wisely chose not to give them to me at my wedding, which took place in the United States. If American airport security found this in your carry-on luggage, I’d bet that your next stop would be the body cavity search room.

I took a few shots of the matreshka and put them in a photo album. You can view this album in album format or as a slideshow.