It Happened to Me

Even more birthday party pictures

Andy has been so kind to provide me with even more photos from the party. Thanks, Andy! Click any of the photos to get taken to the new photo album, or point your browser at

Content warning: A couple of shots might not be safe for work, depending on your workplace. There’s a cleavage shot, and one consensual fully-clothed-breast-grab among three women. Given my readers, displaying this warning is like covering the picnic grounds with honey to keep the ants away.

It has tongue artistry that would make KISS’ Gene Simmons green with envy!

It has cute girls displaying pouty insouciance!

And, of course, it has even more hot tub pictures!

It Happened to Me

And you thought it was windy *outside*!

Updated Thursday, November 13th 2003 at 14:51 EST: The original title was The Return Salvo, but then I thought up a cleverer one.

Kathy “Relapsed Catholic” Shaidle has a hilarious response to my “J. Jonah Jameson” post which in turn was in response to her “What ash-heap of history?” post.

My favourite line:

Anyway: I can now retire from blogging,having been called ‘over the top’ by a guy who sticks giant illegal hot tubs on wheels in his yard.

C’mon. Kathy, you were invited. David, tell her how much fun you had at the party.

Because of that “illegal hot tub”, I effectively employed a ne’er-do-well from Mississauga (without this hot tub business, I’m sure HotTubMobile Neil would be robbing gas stations in Bramalea), a couple of guys at the Upper Canada Brewery, a handful of people at Loblaws, the entire second shift at the Frito-Lay Coporation, Ontario Power Generation, the people who extract and bottle Natural Gas, two police officers, and maybe — I will neither confirm nor deny this — some employee at Zig Zag Inc. I made people happy and I contributed to the economy; what could be more conservative than that? If hot tubs are wrong, I don’t wanna be right!

Thanks, Kathy, and I’ll cobble together a worthy response later, once I’ve gotten some work done.

It Happened to Me

Photos from last night’s WiFi Meetup

Last night’s WiFi meetup at SpaHa was pretty cool, and Boss Ross got some photos too!

The venue, SpaHa, is two-storey restaurant and lounge that located in the most unlikely-semming place: inside the new graduate residence at the University of Toronto. It’s far too stylish and comfortable to be a campus pub, and the food and drinks are pretty good. They had Stella Artois on tap, and they made a pretty decent burger.

Their WiFi was provided by Spotnik. I didn’t have a Spotnik account, and Spotnik Girl, Accordion City’s local Spotnik marketing person wasn’t around to hand out those free cards that entitled you to one hour of free Spotnik WiFi. I didn’t have any pressing need to get online anyway, as the company was so good.

In attendance were:

We discussed a lot of tech, but managed to get some WiFi talk in too, thanks to Brent Ashley, who reigned supreme with the cool gadgets. He showed us his Zaurus, which had a WiFi card plugged into its PCMCIA adapter, which hangs from a hinge, sort of like the cover to Captain Kirk’s communicator on the old Star Trek. The Zaurus runs Linux, and he had a VNC window showing his home machine’s screen, as well as several terminal windows, one of which was running good old Midnight Commander. His laptop also had WiFi by way of a USB WiFi box not much larger than a box of matches. He got it for CDN$35.

I’d like to send an extra-special thanks to Brent for the birthday present he got me: a “Tank Fighter + Brick Game” handheld toy, which “plays 9999 games”. It would appear that it actually plays ten games, most of which have 100 skill levels (one must have shortchanged, having only 99). However, it does play a very challenging game of Tetris and costs a mere CDN$3. We wondered what kind of processor it held, and how much it would’ve cost back in the good old days when Brent was working at my favourite Queen Street hangout back then, Arkon Electronics, when the RCA 1802 microprocessor sold for a hundred or so dollars. You can see photos of the handheld game at Ross’ blog.

It Happened to Me

More party photos

My housemate, Paul “Peekabooty” Baranowski, has posted his photos from the party, featuring spanking, general bad behaviour, Deenster getting all Posh Spice, and this gem:

Photo: Joey behind Meryle, as she reveals the string bikini underneath her bathrobe for the first time that evening.

(Yeah, I’ve been getting a lot of email and instant messages about Meryle.)

It Happened to Me

Don’t call the movers just yet

The real estate market here in Accordion City has been described as “soft”, and the daily stream of real estate agents and their gaudy brooches (is that some kind of dress code requirement?) coming into my house has dried into a trickle. The “FOR SALE” sign remains on our front lawn and our landlord still clings to the vain hope that he can sell the house for CDN$200,000 more than the next-most-expensive (but equally nice) house on the block.

Don’t get me wrong: I love the house. It’s a nice place in a location that for my needs is pretty sweet, but let’s face it: the price is just too damned steep for a place that breaks the Cardinal Rule of Real Estate — it’s the best house on a bad street. (By “bad street”, I mean that half the houses are one bad fuse away from going up in a puff of smoke.)

If you’re a sucker adventurous real estate speculator, you can go take a peek at the online listing for the house, complete with photos.

It Happened to Me

More photos from the party [UPDATED]

Updated Thursday, November 13, 2003 at 14:55 EST: Removed one photo at the subject’s request. S/he thought s/he looked bad, I thought s/he looked fine. But the rule is: if you don’t want your photo on the blog, off it goes.

There are also a large number of non-hot-tub-related photos from the party.

The lovely LizVang has a nice set of photos, including this great one of Char wearing my Legendary Cowboy Hat:

I’ve also posted the first set of photos to Thirtysexy 2, a photo album of what happened outside the tub. More will get posted later.

Even Death had a good time at my party! (Okay, that’s Jacqui, and the scythe is actually mine.)

Here’s the upstairs tub, still full of booze, at the beginning of the party. The downstairs tub was equally full.

All the photos in the Thirtysexy series were taken by Rannie “Photojunkie” Turingan, who went above and beyond the call of duty by dropping off a CD-ROM of all the pictures he’d taken, not even 24 hours after the party ended! You rock, Rannie!

It Happened to Me

Proof that it’s never too late to come to a party

Matt “FeralBoy” Comroe proves that through the magic of Photoshop, it’s still possible to catch some hot tub action, even if it’s days after the cops shut it down:

Photo: Altered photo of FeralBoy in the hot tub with Joey and Meryle.