It Happened to Me

Begin year three!

I was so busy recovering from a wild weekend that I missed my own blog’s second anniversary. I suppose the hot tub truck photos are commemoration enough.

If you’re wondering where all the entries prior to July 2003 are, they’re in my old Blogger-based blog. The archives for that blog start at November 10, 2001 and end at August 4, 2003.

It Happened to Me

At last, the birthday hot tub photos!

I’ve been getting email asking for photos from the hot tub all day, so here they are!

First, a look at the Hot Tub Truck from the side:

And now, from the back. That’s Michelle Turingan flipping the bird. As you’ll see in later pictures, she likes to do that.

For the rest of the photos, click here or on the picture below:

It Happened to Me

Tub preview number 2

I have about 300 photos to sort through, so it may take a few more hours before those birthday party / hot tub photos go online. However, since some people are bored at work, here’s another photo from the tub.

If I ever release a country album, this has to be the album cover:

It Happened to Me

You’re welcome, Eldon

Eldon emailed me this thank-you note for the party. You’re welcome, dude!

Photo: Church sign with thank you message.

Eldon added to the surreality of the party by not only being one of the few, the proud and brave to enter the hot tub; he also did it in a (brrrr) Speedo!

Girls who remember him from Crazy Go Nuts University are hereby entitled to take the day off for emotional trauma that that mental image may have caused.

It Happened to Me

Post-party report

Before I begin, my thanks to all those who attended, double thanks to all those who helped out with setting up, and triple thanks to my housemates, who went above and beyond the call of duty in helping get this thing together. It was an excellent party, and I have no idea how I’ll top it next year…yet.

If you attended, you probably know what happened.

If you didn’t, you missed out on: two bathtubs packed to the rim with booze, the most eclectic group of partiers you’ll find anywhere, good music, great conversation, unbloggable drama and co-ed semi-naked and naked hot tub action.

Plus, I used my schmooze-fu to talk the cops down from lots of fines to a stern warning.

I’ll report in more detail once I’ve had some sleep. Watch this space!

It Happened to Me


Sam’s just called the house — she’s taking her friend Kerry-Ann out for her birthday in a limo and has asked Paul and I to join her in ten minutes. Being a Modern Gentleman and having learned the value of gusto-going over the years, I always have a good suit and a party mood at the ready for such occasions.

More news as it happens.

Geek It Happened to Me

Enjoying my birthday present

I’m working on some TPS reports (a survey of the users of OpenSRS client software) on the company-provided desktop computer, while watching my new birthday present, the DVD of the movie Revolution OS on my PowerBook. The movie is a documentary about the Free Software/Open Source/Linux movement, featuring interviews with RMS, Linux, ESR, Bruce Perens and the usual suspects. While the film doesn’t have much that will be new to someone who’s had a Slashdot account for a few months, it’s still pretty neat to see and hear the people in the scene. A number of people have stopped by my desk out of curiosity, enough to convince me to hold a lunchtime screening in one of the meeting rooms next week.

Thanks for the DVD, Paul!