It Happened to Me

A little goodwill, please

I’m worried about my Dad, who’s in the hospital at the moment.

Dad was the recipient of a kidney donated by his sister last year. To ensure that his body doesn’t reject this replacement hardware, he takes drugs to suppress his immune system. The price that he pays for an extended lease on life is that these drugs effectively turn him into a human analogue of Microsoft Windows: he’s vulnerable to infections of all sorts, and sometimes I just want to scream at the Manufacturer, who conveniently has a monopoly on this sort of thing.

He came down with a fever this weekend, and he’s now in the hospital with some kind of infection that’s manifested itself in his toe. This is no way to start a retirement; I was looking forward to taking him out to lunch regularly, not visiting him in the hospital.

If you’re the praying type, please throw in a good word for him (especially if you happen to be the coolest priest I know) or slay a chicken or goat for him if that’s your bag. If you’re not the praying sort, maybe you can spare a kind thought. Hey, if you’re into Feng Shui, could you perhaps straighten a picture or move your coffee table a couple of inches for his speedy recovery?

Thanks, folks.

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me

Preview: A strange night with White Cowbell Oklahoma and the Hottubmobile

Here’s a taste of my report from Friday night’s White Cowbell Oklahoma concert at Lee’s Palace, as well as Neil’s Hottubmobile…

Here’s Sam (a different Sam from the one I normally mention) and I enjoying a soak. Keep in mind that this hot tub is mounted on a back of a truck, and this truck is parked on Bloor Street (the major east-west street; it divides Accordion City into north and south).

Photo: Sam and Joey deVilla enjoy the Hottubmobile.

Here I am onstage with the band:

Photo: Joey deVilla onstage with White Cowbell Oklahoma.

I’m not exactly sure what was going through my mind in this shot. Behind me is something that can only be described as “Japanese Schoolgirls Gone Wild!”

Photo: Joey deVilla stands in the Hottubmobile, looking a little crazed.

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me

Quick gratitude

I would like to express my undying gratutude to whatever forces were guiding me last night. I had an amazingly good evening at the White Cowbell Oklahoma show at Lee’s Palace, which involved:

  • Catching an awesome band at their CD release party
  • Playing a mini-concert in the mosh pit to screaming female fans while waiting for the band to get on
  • Getting pulled up on stage to join the band, complete with an accordion solo!
  • Meeting cute people, getting digits
  • Finally getting my chance to dive into the mobile hot-tub-on-truck that’s been cruising the city
  • Booking the mobile hot tob truck for my birthday party

Life is good.

Details (and photos) later.

Geek It Happened to Me

More notes from the Stephenson Q&A

Mark Askwith, possibly the best-known and -liked interviewer in the world of science fiction and fantasy writing, played the part of interviewer. The owner of Pages bookstore, which organized the “This is Not a Reading Series” reading series said that there “couldn’t be more perfect” choice than Askwith for the role. He then referred to Stephenson using a quote from Wired: “The dark prince of hacker fiction”, after which the two walked on and took their centre-stage seats with a table with a laptop computer between them and the large screen behind them.

Mark introduced Stephenson with a story. He met him 10 years ago in Seattle, just after Snow Crash, which was very strongly recommended to him by a young, eager and hyperactive employee of Bakka Books, a science fiction/fantasy bookstore which was then located on Queen Street West, barely three blocks from my house. This young employee was named Cory Doctorow.

(I also bought my first copy of Snow Crash at Bakka. It was in 1992, back when I was studying computer science at Crazy Go Nuts University. I didn’t meet Cory until 1995, so I have no idea if he was the one who rang my copy through the cash register. I ceratinly hope so.)

Stephenson opened by saying that the ficitious John Wilkins wrote Cryptonomicon, while the real one wrote Mercury (the archaic term for which is “Quicksilver”) in 1641. He was inspired to “go back” by a couple of things:

  • Darwin Among the Machines
  • Talks of Leibniz’ early work on computing
  • His discovery of the fact that Sir Isaac Newton ran the Royal Mint at the Tower of London during the last 30 years of his life.

Mark surprised Stephenson with by proving him with a handful of anagrams of “The Baroque Cycle”, which led to a discussion of secret messages hidden in Cryptonomicon. Stepheson mentioned that people are still looking for secret messages in Cryptonomicon’s typographical errors.

Mark then mentioned the opening of Quicksilver, which reads:

Boston Common

October 12, 1713, 10:33:52 A.M.

Mark then asked: given the limited accuracy of timepieces of the period, why be so precise, specifying the time down to the very second? Stephenson replied that he did that to “get himself into the headspace” initially, amd then later as a way of poking fun at “techno-thriller” styles of writing.

There was an interesting discussion of the clash between science and religion. Stephenson said that Wilkins was working on a book describing a new universal language for the discussion of philospohical thought (this includes science, which at that point in time was called “natural philosophy”). He had to stop writing a book, because while creating the words for every known animal, he realized that he might be contradicting the Biblical account of Noah’s Ark. The list was simply too large; there was no way that all those animals could fit into a boat having the dimensions specified in the Bible.

This sort of thing rasied all kinds of problems for that first generation of scientists who were creating a more mechanistic model of the universe. By predicting the activity of nature based on mathematic laws, where does that put God, free will and the soul?

Later parts of the Baroque Cycle will cover Newton’s and Leibniz’s search for an “out”. Both were deeply religious Christian men, and their mechanistic natural philosophy seemed to be at odds with those beliefs. Each came up with a workaround that attempted to resolve this dichotomy: Newto used an alchemical explanation, while Leibniz opted to use a strange and incorrect theory of matter. Stephenson said that he found this difference of appraoch to science and religion more interesting than the better-known argument — who invented Calculus? — between Newton and Leibniz.

The audience was given a quick tour of Stephenson’s web site. He talked about his collaboration with Applied Minds, whose long-term goal is to “figure ways to make the Internet better at explaining things to people”. “In the short term, it’s about explaining my book.” He also mentioned the wiki, which provided reader- and fan-created annotations.

The topic turned to the release dates for the next two books in the Baroque Cycle series. The manuscript for The Confusion has been complete for some time and the book will be out in about 6 months. The System of the World — “If I can get some peace and quiet, for about 4 weeks” — should be at bookstores in about a year.

During the intermission, I walked around and found the usual suspects for this sort of gathering. In one section were my housemate Paul Baranowski, longtime friend Rob Strickler and Chris Cummer. I caught up with my friends from science fiction and fantasy author scene including Jason Taniguchi, Brett Savory, Sandra Kasturi, Amanda Foubister and Karl Schroeder, people from the secret order of security programming fiends (Ian Goldberg and his fiancee Kat, Zooko and Amber Wilcox-O’Hearn as well as Steve and Shar van Egmond from the TorFun crowd. (A day after the show, I found out that GTABlogger Emma Jane Hogbin was also there — sorry I missed you, Emma!)

The show resumed with Stephenson reading a passage from Quicksilver. Mark Askwith later told me that he tried to convince him to read something from the second book to no avail. Stephenson told the audience that the Baroque Cycle is largely dialogue, which he finds unsatisfactory for unsatisfactory for readings since he “can’t do the voices”.

He chose a long descriptive passage in which Jack Shaftoe, soldier of fortune on the continent and more concerned with looting rathering than dying for King and Country, encounters some incredibly good fortune in the shape of a horse and an ostrich.

“For those of you who couldn’t care less about military history,” said Stephenson in a reassuring tone, “the whole book isn’t like this.”

After the reading came the Q&A session, which is covered in the previous blog entry.

The Q&A session was followed by the draw. Anyone who bought both the book and ticket at Pages bookstore or bought a ticket at the store and a book at the event was eligible to win one of 6 door prizes: a rebate on the price of Quicksilver, a chance to meet with Stephenson backstage and get your copy signed, and a T-shirt with this insignia:

Photo: T-shirt

Sandra Kasturi, who knew Mark Askwith, was the first winner. As they called out the second winner, Sandra passed right by my front-row seat as I whispered “fix!”. It was at that point that my ticket’s number got called.

As I stood up, Mark, who hadn’t turned off his microphone, said “Hey, it’s Joey deVilla!” Now the draw really looked fishy.

“He’s the Accordion Guy,” he explained to Stephenson, who nodded with a an expression that seemed to say “Whatever, dude.”

We were led backstage, where we had a quick signing session. I handed Sandra my camera and she took this picture and managed to get talk to Stephenson for a moment.

“That…really is an accordion, isn’t it?” he asked.

I told him that I carry it around as often as possible because great things happen whenever I do.

“At the very least, it’s a machine that can music into free beer,” which got a smile out of him.

Stephenson disappeared shortly afterwards. I emerged from behind the stage and saw Cory Doctorow’s parents, and chatted with them for a while. They were beaming with pride since Cory’s name was brought up at least twice during the show. Come to think of it, he was the only other science fiction writer mentioned. I told them that in addition to being a great writer, Cory was the best damned volunteer publicity guy I ever had.

A large group of us made tracks to Dora Keough, an Irish pub only a few doors away from the venue. I decided to share my good fortune and bought the first round for the entire group.

Here’s the science fiction/horror-writing contingent: Jason Taniguchi (also the organizer of Toronto’s “Serial Diners”), Sandra Kasturi and Brett Savory…

Photo: Jason Taniguchi, Sandra Kasturi and Brett Savory in the snug at Dora Keough.

The geek contingent: Rob Strickler, Paul Baranowski and Chris Cummer…

Photo: Rob Strickler, Paul Baranowski and Chris Cummer in the snug at Dora Keough.

“When the Joey train comes in, everybody rides!” I said, raising a pint of Guinness.

I ended up spending the lion’s share of the evening hanging out in the “snug” talking to Mark Askwith, his friend Bill (whom I gathered is some kind of comic art collector) and Amanda (whom I didn’t know was chairing the 2004 Ad Adstra [corrected October 25, 2003: I originally said “2005”] science fiction convention). Mark very kindly introduced me to Bill as “one of the people who make Toronto such a cool city.”

(Truth be told, Mark has done way more for Toronto’s coolness factor than I have. Way, way more.)

The topics were naturally geeky, but drifted about from Prisoners of Gravity and the companion CD-ROM I was going help develop for it, who could do the best impression of William Gibson reading the first line of Neuromancer (“Thuh skahh…wuz thuh colourrr ov tuh-luh-vision…tuned to a day-ed cheeyannel”), how someone could make a mint holding a “Sandman” convention, Mark’s incredible access to writers and comic book artists, Mark’s “Tintin and Snowy” sweater (which he wore that evening) and a touching story that featured a diaper-wearing, power-wheelchair-riding Ray Bradbury paying an artist who worshipped him a visit.

Before I left, I told Mark that I’d had my photo taken with only one of the two stars of the evening and asked him to join me for this photo:

Photo: Me and Mark Askwith in the snug at Dora Keough.

All in all, a fun evening.

Geek It Happened to Me

Preview: The Clown Prince of Accordion Playing meets The Dark Prince of Hacker Fiction

Last night’s Neal Stephenson Q&A session was amazing, but even more so for me: I was one of the door prize winners! I got a chance to go backstage after the presentation to chat with Neal Stephenson and get my copy of Quicksilver autographed. This photo, featuring both me and Stephenson both flashing our trademark facial expressions is priceless:

Photo: Joey deVilla gets his copy of 'Quicksilver' signed by the author, Neal Stephenson.

Here’s a conversation that should’ve happened, but didn’t:

Me: TEH DR4K PR1NZE 0F H4X0R F1CT10N! I’m soooo not worthy!

Neal Stephenson: You’re the guy with the accordion. Cory warned me about you.

Me: Yeah, yeah, writer boy. Less talky! More book-signy!

Neal Stephenson (sighs, pulls out ostrich feather quill and dips it in an inkwell made from an actual human skull): To whom shall I sign it?

Me: “To Bubba: I really enjoyed being your prison bitch. Love, Nealy-wealy.”

Neal casts his Notorious Icy Glare at Joey.

Me: Uh, “To Joey” will do nicely.

Neal Stephenson (signs the book): Wait a minute. Is that really an accordion?

Me: Yeah, it is. [Puts it on] Glad you asked! Just for this occasion, I took the time to write some accordion backbeats for your Sushi K* numbers! Ah one, ah two, ah one two three four…I was goin’ to the Black Sun, but then I got high…

Neal Stephenson: SECURITY!

What actually happened (including my notes) will follow shortly.

* Sushi K is an Asian rap star from Stephenson’s novel Snow Crash.

It Happened to Me

Five dollars’ worth of fun

Hallowe’en is just around the corner, which means that Devil’s pitchforks are readily available at a large number of convenience stores, drug stores, outlet malls or any other place that stocks cheaply-made plastic items manufactured in China. With a friendly crowd at your local watering hole, a little boozy camaraderie and a handy digital camera, you’re set for hours of fun. How many other five-dollar investments yield similarly amazing returns?

Photo: Joey deVilla pokes Meryle Cox with his Devil's pitchfork at Kickass Karaoke at the Bovine Sex Club.

Photo: Meryle Cox pokes Joey deVilla with his Devil's pitchfork at Kickass Karaoke at the Bovine Sex Club.

Meryle’s always up for silly fun. Thanks, Meryle!

It Happened to Me

Best Date Ever, chapter 1: Quid Pro Quo

The Worst Date Ever story came about as a bribe to my readers. In exchange for a Bloggie

nomination, I promised to tell the story. While a number of people

submitted my name for nomination, I didn’t make the final cut, but

decided to tell the story anyway.

People have asked me, via

comments, email, instant messaging and face-to-face conversation, if I

ever have good dates. I do, and when they go well, they go stunningly

well. I had a particularly memorable and bloggable one last year, an

unexpectedly wonderful one in the spring of 2000 in New York City, one

dreamlike on in Prague just after New Year’s 2000 and one unforgettable

one on my birthday in 1992. However, the one which makes the best story

is the earliest one: one particularly sweltering night in Montreal in

August 1987, when what should’ve been a disaster turned into something

altogether different.

(Besides, I think that sixteen years is well past any statute of limitations.)


could simply dive right and and just tell the story of the date, but it

would simply be nothing more than a cute little tale of little more

consequence than a sitcom episode. Big Life Moments like the Worst Date Ever

don’t happen in isolation, but in the context of the life surrounding

them. Just as every particle in existence exerts a pull on every other

particle to give the universe its shape; every experience we have

exerts its own gravity on every other experience, giving shape to our


So as promised, here it is: the serialized story of

the Best Date Ever, by way of the scenic route. This is going to take a

helluva of a lot of installments, but I think you’ll find the journey

an interesting one.

This story is dedicated to anyone who feels alone, unwanted or is suffering atrophy of the heart.

Quid Pro Quo

Toronto, May 1986

If airports smell like impatience (as I believe Douglas Adams wrote), high school principal’s offices smell like remorse.

In my eight years at De La Salle College “Oaklands”,

a picturesque Catholic school set on a prized hilltop plot of land

donated to the Christian Brothers by an eccentric millionaire’s widow,

I had never been called to the principal’s office for reasons that

would end up on my permanent record. Although some of the school’s more

notorious troublemakers were my friends, I was generally regarded as

one of the good kids, even if I always didn’t “apply myself” to my


It was a particularly bright and sunny morning in

late May, and the gorgeous weather outside made the fact that I was in

this office for disciplinary reasons more painful. I decided not to

stare outside the window, but instead at a rather generic scenic

painting of a forest that hung on the institution-pale-green walls of

the office.

My Inquisitor, Mr. Davies, the school principal,

kept me waiting for fifteen interminable minutes, while chatting with

Ms. DeCesare, the bursar’s secretary. While I couldn’t hear what they

were saying through the closed glass door, I could tell by the sound of

their voices and their body language and furtive glances and gestures

in my direction that they weren’t doing official business, but making

small talk, possibly about me.

It was a tactic meant to wear me down and make me willing to name names.

Thirty-two hours earlier


must’ve been the most suspicious looking lot on that warm spring night:

ten boys, all at the end of their teenage years, clad head-to-toe in

black (some even in balaclavas), piled into a van that was slowly

making its away across a darkened parking lot with its headlights off.


eased the van to a quiet halt at the edge of the parking lot that was

both farthest away from any lights and closest to the school building.

“Awright,” he said, turning the engine off and turning to face the rest of us in the back. “Let’s do it.”

One of us slid the side door of the van open. A slightly drunk Pazzo let out a war whoop.


I quickly silenced him by covering his mouth with my hand.

“This…is…a…stealth…mission!” I hissed. I removed my hand from his mouth, wiping off the whiskey-scented drool on the leg of my black jeans.

“Oh yeah,” was his sheepish reply.

“C’mon,” said Ray, who was supressing his laughter. “Let’s make this quick.”

Pazzo, Ray and a few others a long with me were on Beta Team. Beta

Team’s mission was to take several dozen rolls of toilet paper and turn

the trees of St. Michael’s College, our rival school, into weeping

willows of bum-wad. The other members of The Operation, Alpha Team,

were charged with the duty of rendering the school’s locks inoperable

by rubbing chicken boullion into the keyholes.

Beta Team made short work of the trees, and four dozen rolls of bathroom tissue later, we returned to the van.

“I fucking hate St. Mike’s,” said Pazzo, “bunch of stuck-up assholes.”

Pazzo’s rage was misdirected. He actually hated only one

St. Mike’s guy, whom some girl from our sister school, St. Joseph’s had

chosen over him. St. Mike’s was guilty by proxy, which probably made

sense according to the pretzel logic of the kind of guy who would curse

all the sailors of the world after getting food poisoning from eating a

submarine sandwich.

“I got an idea,” he said, grabbing a can of spray paint and running out the door.

“I hate it when he gets ideas,” said Ray.


you double blue,” said Mr. Davies, when he finally entered his office

bearing a single file folder. The swear words sounded doubly obscene

coming from him.

He walked to his desk, tossed the folder

onto it, took off his blazer and placed it on his chair. He looked away

from me and out his window.

“Four hundred dollars,” he said,

watching a group of “Greenies” — the younger students, who wore green

blazers, while we older ones wore blue — playing frisbee. “Do you know

how much that costs, on a per-word basis, Jose?”

Mr. Davies always preferred to address me as “Jose” rather than “Joey”.


hundred dollars a word, sir,” I answered nervously. The fact that I

knew he was toying with me didn’t make me feel any better.


hundred. Dollars. A. Word,” he said, elucidating each word very

carefully. I was reminded of a trick that some of the chess players who

played on the public tables off Yonge Street intimidated their

less-experienced opponents: they’d slowly twist each piece they moved,

as if screwing bolts into place.

“The actions of your friends

on Monday night have tarnished this school’s fine reputation forever.

Do you know what a man has if he doesn’t have his reputation, Jose?”

“He has nothing, sir,” I said, wishing that he would skip this

tea-ceremony-cum-torture-session and just tell me what he wanted.


Has. Nothing,” he said. He was facing away from me on the words “he”

and “has”, but turned on his heel and faced me from across his desk,

his arms in an inverted V-shape and his legs together, glaring at me

like an angry tripod. “Nothing!”

He’s quick for an old man, I thought. Had I not been so nervous, I’d have laughed at the Shatnerian ridiculousness of the gesture.


stood upright and faced the window again. “You, however, have a

reputation. It’s good, and if you apply yourself, it could be great.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“I’ve known you for eight years — eight years! — and you’ve been a good man all the way through. Although you are friends with some of the ne’er-do-wells…”


tapped a cassette tape that was rested on a two file folders that I

hadn’t noticed on his desk. They were the permanent records of Nik

Roland and Will Stepney. During the previous week, they’d managed to

sneak into the control room for the school’s public address system and

replaced the cassette of the national anthem with one that had a

synthpop tune where the vocalist was yelling “Suck me off! Suck me off!

Suck me off!”

“…and you fancy yourself as some kind of

clever prankster, you are too much of a gentleman, if I may be so bold,

to stoop to petty vandalism.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Don’t thank me just yet.”

Finally, I thought, here it comes. I could feel my pulse in the veins around my throat, and I could swear that someone was slowly draining the air from the room.

He slid Roland’s and Stepney’s records aside and took a seat. He opened the folder, which I realized was my permanent record.


excellent. Computers: well, I know you’re our resident computer whiz

kid. English: Mr. Cheley says you could be our next Oscar Wilde.”


for the writing and not the…the thing for boys, sir,” I said, in a

pretty foolish attempt to inject a little levity into the situation. I

was on an express train to Hell, so why not have a little fun?

One eye glowered at me from behind a bifocal lens.

“Too bad about these chemistry and math marks. They’re okay, but probably a little low for applying to engineering. That is what you want to get into, isn’t it?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I expect that you’ll probably repeat these courses.”

“Yes, sir. I’m going to do chemistry in summer school, and redo the three maths in the fall.”

“Not here?”

“I thought that if I had to repeat courses, my parents shouldn’t have to pay for it, sir.”

“Public school, eh?”

“I found a good one. They even have a robotics course that I was going to try in the winter term, sir.”

“So…” he said, his voice becoming more conspiratorial. “You only need to repeat these four courses, is that correct?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You sure you don’t want to, oh, I don’t know — repeat them all?

“But I already have good marks for those courses. They’re right there,” I said, gesturing towards my record.

“You have them…insofar that I’m allowing you to have them.

The words, although spoken in a soft conversational tone, hit me with gale force.

“Jose, do you know the meaning of the Latin quid pro quo?”

“It means…” I said, my voice diminished by the sudden dryness in my throat. “..tit for tat.”

“Correct,” he said, “if colloquial. Tit. For. Tat.

This is an exchange that I am willing to offer you. I will make sure

that your good marks get transferred to whatever school you will be

attending this fall. That way, you will not have to repeat those

courses. In exchange, I want names.”

“Names, sir?” I asked, pointlessly. I knew what he wanted and he knew that I knew.


know you were there. I know you know who did it. I know that you and

some others were responsible for the non-destructive parts of your

little graduating student prank. That’s tradition, and I care a whit

about that. But some of your number are responsible for spray-painting

‘FUCK YOU DOUBLE BLUE’ across the entire front wall of another school!


“Sir…” I said, weakly. I struggled to think of something to say, but I didn’t have a bargaining chip. They were all his.

“I know. You are worried about your

reputation now. I hear that irony is a major literary device that is

covered in the English class in which you did particularly well.”

I prayed for a stray meteor to hit the school and crush the office, but the prayer went unanswered.


you are generally un upstanding gentleman, I am willing to make this

easier on you. You will not be required to provide me with names.”



want you to use your powers of persuasion to convince any one of the

people who spray painted St. Mike’s to step forward. He will provide me

with the names. That way, you will not be directly responsible for — I

believe the vernacular term is ‘ratting out’ — the gentlemen in

question. In exchange, I will transfer your marks to your new school.

If this man that you provide to me provides me with names, I will

reinstate the prom.”

The day earlier, he’d announced that the prom was cancelled until those responsible revealed themselves.

“If you cannot produce this one man in forty-eight hours, I will not

transfer your marks, and no record of the courses in which you excelled

will exist. You will have to repeat everything, not just a few


That wily old motherfucker, I thought. I’d just had my first bait-and-switch pulled on me.


hours. One man,” he said, as he showed me out of his office. “It

shouldn’t be difficult for a intelligent and resourceful gentleman like


The door to his office shut with a sound that

reverberated down the long empty hall. I glanced up at the clock on the

wall. 9:15. I was late for my exam.