It Happened to Me

What we’re up to this week

The photo above should give you some clues. We’ve got a lot of green in our front yard and thought it could be improved with a little more color. We’re starting off nice and easy with a small assortment of plants and herbs. We’ll see if they thrive, after which we’ll add to their number.

Internet Finds It Happened to Me Stranger than Fiction

The forklift safety training video I’ll never forget (and neither will you)

During the summer between high school and university, I landed a job at a warehouse where I was often required to drive a small electric forklift.

Prior to getting my 15 minutes of “training” on the use of the forklift, my manager and I sat in the break room and watched the mandatory safety video.

This “circular saw to the groin” scene could’ve come straight out of one of the Final Destination movies.
I can see the director calling for more red corn starch syrup.
I’m reminded of the song by ’80s synth-pop band Heaven 17: Crushed by the Wheels of Industry!

It was the 1980s, which was the golden age of gorehorror worker’s compensation workplace injury ads and videos in Ontario, and the one we watched took things to a red-corn-starch-syrup-soaked new level.

There’s a scene that’s forever seared into my memory. It starts with the Merry Prankster’s golden prize: an unattended forklift with the keys still in the ignition. A carefree teen decides to take it for a joyride, does a couple of donuts in the warehouse, and quickly loses control.

He plows the forks, which have been raised to the “halfway up” position (which you don’t do when the ’lift isn’t carrying anything), into an oh-so-fake wall:

Look out for the fake wall!

As if that isn’t bad enough, the lunchroom is on the other side of that wall, and so was someone who was just having lunch — he’s now just been forked from behind:

“Finally, I can enjoy my swiss and pastrami on ryAIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!”

I remember going home that evening and thinking with great disbelief:  “Grown adults commissioned, wrote, and made that video. And got paid for it.

I’d forgotten about that video, and had even begun to think that I’d misremembered it — until this compilation started making the internet rounds. And yup, it features the “forked from behind” scene!

Once again, in case you missed it the first time:

It Happened to Me The Current Situation

I’m getting my second vaccine this afternoon

Scene from the film version of “West Side Story” featuring the Jets leaning against a chain link fence, snapping their fingers. Headline reads “When the Pfizer gang see the Moderna boys in the streets” and the caption reads “Finger snapping intensifies”
Thanks to Derek Wong for the find!

It doesn’t matter what gang you belong to — just join one, and work on your finger-snapping, dancing, and singing.

It Happened to Me Tampa Bay

It’s a rainy day in the neighborhood

It looks like twilight out there, but I took this photo from our front porch at about noon today. Tampa Bay’s under a severe thunderstorm watch until 4:00 this afternoon. Today’s a good day to stay in and get started on your spring cleaning.

It Happened to Me

Six years ago today…

Joey deVilla and Anitra Pavka make their entrance at their wedding reception.

Happy anniversary, Sweetie!

Joey deVilla and Anitra Pavka make their entrance at their wedding reception.

Joey deVilla and Anitra Pavka make their entrance at their wedding reception.

Joey deVilla and Anitra Pavka welcome the guests to their wedding reception.

It Happened to Me Tampa Bay

The best grocery store sign ever

Joey deVilla, at Tampa’s Philippine Grocery, posing beside a sign that read “KEEP CALM: WE GOT RICE!”.
Seen at Philippine Grocery in Tampa. Tap to view at full size.

Well, it’s the best grocery store sign ever in my opinion, anyway.

It Happened to Me Tampa Bay The Current Situation

Half-time was the best time to go plague shopping

Trader Joe’s Tampa last night at 8:24 p.m.. Tap to view at full size.

My hunch that Trader Joe’s Tampa would be a ghost town last night during Super Bowl LV’s half-time paid off. It was the perfect time to make a quick but important grocery run, as you can see from the photo I took while at the cashier (see above).

This run was important because there are better-than-even odds that we’ll experience a COVID-19 spike, thanks to Super Bowl superspreader gatherings like the one in the picture below, taken in Ybor City on Saturday night…

…and covered in the following articles:

My advice: Be particularly careful over the next couple of weeks, because a lot of people were careless over the past couple of days.