It Happened to Me

Running into Robot Johnny Down South

Before Wendy’s friend Liz took us to Mama Dip’s for some good ol’ unhealthy-but-yummy southern cookin’, she took us to Carr Mill in nearby Carrboro. Carr Mill is a mill that’s been converted into a shopping centre for offbeat and “alternative” shops. One of the shops in Carr Mill that we visited was Wootini, which seems to be Carrboro’s answer to the Magic Pony store on Queen Street West here in Accordion City.

I was looking at the art on the walls when I saw a painting I thought I recognized:

'Scary Monsters, Super Creeps' by John Martz

“That looks like Robot Johnny’s work,” I thought. I looked at the card beside the painting and saw:

Scary Monsters, Super Creeps
John Martz

“It is Robot Johnny’s work!” I said. “How’d it get down here?”

The answer, it turns out, is in a blog entry from May.

It was preety neat seeing your artwork travel far and wide, John. Maybe you should do your next “fear” piece on chicken fried steak — some people find it scary.

It Happened to Me

Chicken Fried Steak at Mama Dip’s

The Ginger Ninja and I spent the weekend in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where we attended a family friend’s wedding on Sunday. The day before, we toured about town with her college buddy Liz, and we had lunch at Mama Dip’s, a restaurant specializing in good old-fashioned American country cooking. Here I am outside Mama Dip’s:

Joey deVilla poses with the sign outside Mama Dip's restaurant, Chapel Hill, NC.

You may have heard of the movie Fried Green Tomatoes (which is based on the book Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe, but you haven’t lived until you’ve tasted one. The dish is made of green tomato slices, which are then battered and fried. Here’s one that I had as an appetizer:

Fried green tomato at Mama Dip's, Chapel Hill, NC.

I rarely get a chance to eat one of my favourite southern dishes: good old chicken fried steak (a.k.a. country fried steak). If you’ve never heard of this unhealthy-but-yummy dish, it’s a thin slice of beef steak, pounded until tender and then breaded and pan-fried like chicken, then smothered in gravy. Here’s what my meal looked like:

Chicken fried steak with macaroni and cheese and turnip greens at Mama Dip's, Chapel Hill, NC.

Dishes at Mama Dip’s come with your choice of sides; I went with macaroni and cheese, turnip greens and biscuits. Let’s get another look at my plate:

Chicken fried steak with macaroni and cheese and turnip greens at Mama Dip's, Chapel Hill, NC.

Oh, yeah, that’s the good stuff.

And for dessert: chocolate pecan pie with a scoop of ice cream:

Fried green tomato at Mama Dip's, Chapel Hill, NC.

I also helped Wendy finish off her dessert, which was Mama Dip’s banana pudding.

It was so good that we ended up there the next day, bringing along Wendy’s parents and aunt and uncle. We got to sample the corn bread, sweet potato fries, fried okra and fudge pudding. All terribly unhealthy, all great tasting. If you’re ever in Chapel Hill, go to Mama Dip’s!

I think I’ll be atoning for this one at the gym for some time.

It Happened to Me

Fried Green Tomato

Here’s a preview of an upcoming post — a photo of the appetizer for my lunch on Saturday, a fried green tomato at Mama Dip’s Traditional Country Cooking Restaurant in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. These things are delicious!

Fried green tomato at Mama Dip's, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Southern cooking will probably kill me slowly, but I’m not in a hurry. More photos to come later today!

It Happened to Me

I’m Back Home and Blog Entries are Forthcoming

My schedule’s been rather busy for the past week, what with flying down to San Jose last Monday and then taking the early bird flight on Friday from San Jose to Raleigh to attend a wedding in Chapel Hill, and then back to Accordion City last night. I’m going to be knee-deep in Star Alliance points from this trip.

As I said in the title, blog entries are forthcoming. Let me get some real work done, and then I’ll start posting.

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me

5th Blog Anniversary

A Stupid Idea

Seven and a half years ago, I had an incredibly stupid idea.

I thought it would be pretty neat if I took up being a street musician as a weekend hobby. I mentioned it to my friend Robertson, complaining that no matter how hard I tried, I would never master the street musician’s weapon of choice: the acoustic guitar. I’m just not wired to play it, which at the time seemed like a real shame; the “chick magnet” powers of the guitar are well understood by rock and pop musicians and fans.

“It’s a pity that the only instruments that I can understand have piano keyboards,” I said to him. “You can’t drag a piano around, and even the most portable synth needs electricity and a sound system. Maybe I should go to a pawn shop and see if they have any accordions.”

“I can give you an accordion,” Robertson replied. “It’s in my parents’ basement.”

Years before, a friend of his was trying to sell his old accordion to a pawn shop. His story is the story of many abandoned accordions: his parents made him take up the instrument as a young child, and he hated it. A few months after the accordion lessons started, they ended, and the accordion went into storage for years. Now he was months away from leaving home for university, and he’d enlisted Robertson’s help (Robertson had a car) with taking it to the pawn shop.

Call it coincidence or fate: they arrived at the pawn shop to find that it had closed for the day. They went on to do other things that day, and in the course of doing those things, forgot about the accordion in the trunk. It eventually got transferred from the trunk of the car to Robertson’s parents’ basement, where it gathered dust for ten years.

Robertson’s giving me the accordion led to that very strange and wonderful day, Saturday, May 1st, 1999, when my friend Karl Mohr and I took our first steps as rock and roll accordion street musicians. Had Robertson and his friend succeeded in bringing that accordion to the pawn shop, Karl and I might not have become accordion players and gone out busking on that bright sunny day. We wouldn’t have gone past the goth bar where we played “Happy Birthday” for the bouncers, we wouldn’t have been offered a chance to play a goth tune for the crowd that night, we wouldn;t have received that thunderous applause and all the beer we could drink.

A month later, Karl and I were invited to be backup musicians for local indie musician darling John Southworth for his live session on CBC Radio. Two months after that, I did my first accordion performance on television — I played AC/DC’s Big Balls on MuchMusic at the Burning Man festival. Three months after that, I bypassed the lineup for the elevator to Windows on the World (the resto-bar atop the World Trade Center) because they assumed I was one of the musicians for Latin Night. Shortly after that, I played accordion at a party for the then-booming online branch of the Canadian bookstore Chapters; the CEO walked up to me and said “I have no idea what you can do, but I want to hire you!”

On first glance, walking around with an accordion and playing slightly tongue-in-cheek rock and pop numbers is a very stupid idea. But it’s a stupid idea that paid off in spades, from job offers (including the one from Tucows) to that stagette in San Francisco to my short-lived career as a go-go dancer to upholding my anal soveregnty against U.S. customs. I should have such stupid ideas more often.

Another Stupid Idea

About this time five years ago, I was working for OpenCola, a start-up that my friend Cory Doctorow co-founded. By this point, the company had been reduced to a hollow shell by a massive layoff, and I was one of seven original employees remaining. The new management parachuted in a new techincal VP who was more wiener than man, and he proceeded to bring in a new team of programmers. He also began to whittle down my responsibilities on a weekly basis. By the time November 2001 had come around, my responsibilities had been reduced to creating the “About” window for the program.

As a result, I needed to do only five minutes’ worth of work each week, leaving me with 39 hours and 55 minutes of work week to fill. I spent about 10 hours a week briefing the new programmers on things we’d tried before, as well as what was going on in the world of peer-to-peer software development (for the uninitiated, Napster is an example of peer-to-peer software). That still left me with a good 30 hours of sitting at my desk looking for something to do.

I had an incredibly stupid idea. I would take up blogging.

I already knew a couple of people with a blog: Cory had been invited to join BoingBoing, a name I knew from the days when it was a cyberculture print magazine; I thought of it as a less hippie-druggy version of Mondo 2000. Deenster, who used to work at OpenCola until the massive layoff, had started one some months before. It looked like fun, and so on November 10th, 2001, I set up my blog.

I thought it was a stupid way to pass the time, and therefore should have a stupid name. Joey deVilla’s Hall of Shame was an early candidate, as was Thrilla from Manila. I thought that those names weren’t nearly ambitious enough. Rather than worry about the name, I decided to lift the title from the old sci-fi serial Buck Rogers in the 24th Century and go with a temporary name until I cam up with something better: The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century. I could always go back and change it later, and hey — how long would I keep it up? A week, maybe a couple of months?

Five Years Later

This stupid idea of starting a blog, like the one about taking up the accordion, has also paid off in spades:

  • I got my job partly because of this blog
  • The Ginger Ninja decided to date me after reading my entire blog’s archives as a sort of “background check”
  • I’ve landed a number of newspaper and television appearances
  • I’ve met all sorts of interesting people and made new friends
  • I’ve actually made a little money, too!
  • I’ve become a better writer
  • Blogging cuts into television time. That’s a good thing.
  • I’d even go far to say that I’ve become a better person. Writing about what you think and feel makes you think about who you are.

As I begin year six, I’d like to thank all of you for playing along with this stupid little hobby of mine. I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have, because I’ve got plenty more in me. Thanks for reading, folks.

It Happened to Me

Hello from Weedland!

The Eight States of America, courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele. Click to see it at full size.

I’m in Santa Clara, California, attending the ISPCON Fall 2006 conference, where I’ll be moderating a panel discussion called “What the Web 2.0?” at 4:15 Pacific Time. The conference has been keeping me busy, so blogging might be light for the next couple of days, depending on what happens to my schedule.

It Happened to Me

Happy 39th Birthday to Me


Yesterday — Sunday, November 5th, 2006 — I turned the ripe old age of 39. We celebrated at a dinner party at Mom’s house along with my cousin Saturnino Carlos Faustino Ador Dionisio III, whose birthday falls on November 4th. Last week, Mom asked me what I’d like on the menu, and I asked for “Filipino comfort food”. I feasted on sinigang, chicken and pork adobo, pancit, vegetables and rice; this was followed by chocolate truffle and caramel latte cakes. Thanks, mom!

The night before, we had a party at our place with about 30 guests, a lot of booze, Swedish meatballs, some nice cakes. some very nice cheese and our homemade ice cream (our flavours: mint chocolate chip, vanilla, cookies and cream and mango sorbet). Lisa Goldman won this year’s “Phineas Fogg” award for the being the person who travelled the longest distance to come to the party; she’s visiting from Tel Aviv. My thanks to all those who came!

People keep asking me if I have any thoughts as I enter the last year of my thirties. I’d have to say that what I came up with at the age of 19 still holds true. Back then, my pal Henry Dziarmaga and I, having consumed too many zombies and read Space-Time and Beyond decided that in the infinite number of parallel universes, there must be one in which our lives arebeing watched as television shows. We must therefore live to keep the ratings up.