Geek It Happened to Me

Guitar Hero controllerThere are still some rough edges (well, actually a lot), but what the hey: Global Nerdy, a new tech news/editorial blog created by my pal George Scriban and me, is up and running. Go give it a peek, watch it evolve, and expect great things.

(In case you’re wondering about the guitar pictured to the left, that’s today’s first story on Global Nerdy: the tracklist for the upcoming videogame, Guitar Hero II).

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

ICT Toronto Meeting: A Quick Summary

“Let’s hug it out, bitch!”

The best-known line from the television series Entourage“Let’s hug it out, bitch!” — is probably an apt summary of the meeting between a group of some of the most active DemoCamp/BarCamp participants (myself included) and a some of the people from ICT Toronto, the group charged with raising the profile of Toronto as a hub for information and communications technologies.

To say the least, the discussion was animated, with lots of disagreement over whether ICT Toronto adequately represented the smaller players in the Toronto tech community, whether their goals were too vague to actually be achieved and even over the name of the organization, which is perceived by many in the DemoCamp contingent to be a made-up term that never gets used in our line of work. In spite of the heat generated, the meeting was a first step towards understanding between both groups, and as ICT Toronto’s project manager Alicia Bulwyk said after the meeting, compared to some city council meetings, it was a tea party.

Canadian Thanksgiving weekend is keeping me a bit too busy to post a full writeup right now, but there will be one from me this week, and hopefully, from these other attendees as well:

It Happened to Me

Busy Today…

I’m going to be tied up with an ICT Toronto meeting this afternoon, so there won’t be much blogging here until the evening. In the meantime, can I point you to the Catmas blog?

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

A Nightclub in Liberty Village?

I work in the part of Toronto called “Liberty Village”, an area made up of old warehouses, most of which have been converted into offices and living spaces. It’s where Cory Doctorow last lived before he moved to San Francisco back in 2000, countless television shows and feature films have been shot here (the upcoming Hairspray movie being the latest), a number of high-tech and television and radio facilities are located here, and let’s not forget the “Porn Alley” designation given to the area by a hyped-up Dateline NBC report. It’s rapidly becoming one of those former factory neighbourhoods turning into live/work/place-to-go areas. One parallel that comes to mind is Vancouver’s Yaletown.

This neighbourhood is located a good distance away from Accordion City’s “clubland”, and a dimly-lit railroad underpass and a little-travelled stretch of Dufferin Street bordering on Parkdale (which still is contending with its seedy rep) separates it from the nearest evening destination area, the Drake Hotel/Gladstone Hotel zone. As such, it’s an unlikely place to put a club, but that’s just what happened: there’s a queing-up area, complete with permanently-mounted outdoor heaters, that leads to the entrance of a newly-renovated building at the corner of Liberty and Fraser streets:

Line-up area of new club 'Maro', viewed from the outside.

The club has no signage just yet, but a laser-printed sheet of paper that read “MARO DELIVERIES HERE” suggests that its name is “Maro”, and a little Googling confirmed the name. Apparently, it had its grand opening last Friday, with the Fifth Annual Booby Ball taking place there.

Line-up area of new club 'Maro', viewed from the outside.

According to a recent events listing, the people behind Maro were also behind Brasaii, Brant House and West (I’ve only been to West). These are all pretty upscale places, and from the looks of Maro’s front entrance, it’s catering to the same market:

Line-up area of new club 'Maro', viewed from the outside.

It’s an interesting addition to the neighbourhood. I wonder its being located in this neighbourhood is an attempt to duplicate the “Meat Packing District” club scene in New York. I’ll have to drop by one evening and see what it’s like inside.

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Mary Effing Sunshine Speaks!

Remember “Mary Fucking Sunshine” — the person who wrote the I LOVE TORONTO, DAMMIT! post in Craigslist, which got mentioned here, and then got blasted in Torontoist, mentioned in the National Post (Wednesday, September 27th issue, page A8) and counter-blasted here?

Anyhow, Mary left a comment on this blog last night. I think it’s worthy of promotion to the front page:

Hello Joey,

Thanks for your thoughtful comments about my post (which was indeed inspired by one of those cheery September mornings). I’ve written a rather long response over at the Torontoist, but wanted to mention that this rang very true for me:

“I think that there’s something wrong with equating enthusiasm and optimism with naivete and a jaded, apathetic and sarcastic approach with worldliness and knowledge.”

I know I am relatively naive, and terribly idealistic. I also know that naiveity does not necessarily exclude cynicism, sarcasm, and downright bitchiness. I’m certainly capable of all those things. Nor does the excessive use of exclaimation marks always equate to a lack of sophistication or worldly intelligence. The unbridled enthusiasmin my post was as much a reaction to all the negativity on CL as David’s post was a reaction to my gushiness.

I’m grateful that David at least made an attempt to dissect my “argument” intelligently. Those of you familiar with craigslist RnR will know what a rarity that is. (Incidentally, it was never meant as an air-tight dissertation, just as a little blurb to “get off my chest” as you say) We all see lifein different ways, I suppose. One view is as valid as the next; I just happen to find mine the most rewarding.

Anyway, I still love Toronto, hipster city bloggers and all. It’s all part of the texture.

Thanks again!

~Mary Fucking Sunshine

Keep on rockin’, Mary, and pay the cynics no mind. As Mr. Wilde once said, that sort knows the price of everything, but the value of nothing. I salute you with a filet mignon on a flaming sword!

It Happened to Me

Five Thousand!

5000th post

In the control panel for Blogware, the application in which this blog “lives” (it’s produced by the company for whom I work, Tucows), there’s a little counter that displays how many articles I’ve posted. Today, I noticed that it had it displayed this number: 5001. Critical Massholes was the 5000th article, and I’m glad — it’s nice to hit that milestone with an article of which I’m proud.

To all of you out there, thanks for reading!

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Responses to "Critical Massholes"

Hamish Grant posted a link to my polemic about Critical Mass on the Tribe magazine message board, and five pages (thus far) of discussion has ensued, featuring a die-hard Critical Masser, a number of unbelievers and more than the recommended daily dosage of internet forum snarkiness. But as George C. Scott said when playing the title role in the movie Patton, “I love it. God help me, I do love it so. I love it more than my life!”

Jerrold from Accordion City-centric blog BlogTO sent this link to a video shot on Car-Free Day 2006, in which the bicycle advocacy message of the day gets flushed down the toilet by a cyclist who does just about every stupid thing you can do on a bike in traffic.

My advice to all cyclists in the city: the best way to advocate cycling as a valid form of transport in the city is to just cycle, obey traffic laws and don’t be a jackass. Contrary to the Critical Massholes, arrogantly taking over the street on a Friday at rush hour, when all people want to do is get home, will not help the cause of the bicycle. You won’t be welcomed as liberators, and you will not be showered with flowers and candy.