It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Last Night’s Rails Pub Night

Another sign of Accordion City’s evolution into the next big high-tech centre: the turnout at last night’s Rails Pub Night, a monthly gathering of developers who use Ruby on Rails. From my count, we had 39 people at peak, not to mention 14 squishy cows and one accordion. There was the usual tech banter, but the conversation strayed into all sorts of non-tech areas and The Rhino (the pub where the event took place) was kind enough to let me get away with playing a couple of accordion numbers.

My favourite moment of the night: when I pulled out the accordion and Austin Zielger shouted: “Wait — you’re that Joey deVilla!”

I shot only a couple of photos, and here they are:

The room at peak. Lots of chatter and milling about.

Left to right: Sasha, Samir, Martin and Leigh grab a bite to eat.

Local Nerd Supermodels: yours truly and David Crow. We can’t let David “Pretty Boy” Hansson hog all the glamour shots, can we?

The Brain Trust Shot. Pete Forde (who got Rails Pub Night started) and David Crow (who got Accordion City’s BarCamp and DemoCamp started).

It Happened to Me

Happy Belated Easter!

Following up a couple of Passover dinners at friends’ places, Wendy celebrated her first Easter yesterday. She seems seems to have enjoyed it. As she wrote, it was a medium-sized gathering for my family: me, Wendy, my sister and brother-in-law, their three kids, mom, two aunts, an uncle, a cousin and her son. Nothing too large…at least by Filipino standards.

Dinner was great: Filipino-style ham cooked by a friend of the family, pancit (noodles), fresh lumpia (spring rolls), bangus relleno (stuffed milkfish), potato salad, a Middle Eastern parsely salad given to my mom by one of her patients, potato-scallion bread from Absolutely Fine Foods, and of course, rice. Dessert was a fruit-topped cake and Smarties-and-vanilla ice cream and blueberry frozen yogurt that Wendy and I made.

Since I posted a day-late comic for Passover featuring a robot, I thought I’d do the same for Easter. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Dalek Catholic Mass:

It Happened to Me

More on PowerPoint Breakups

Vincent Marianiello, on his blog My Hypertextual Life, takes the idea put forth in my article The Breakup Style of PowerPoint (whose name is based on Tufte’s The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint) and runs with it:

PowerPoint slide reading 'I think we need to talk. It's important.'

Go check out Vincent’s “breakup” slides. They have this “funny because it’s true” quality. I know a couple of guys who fit the dumpee’s description perfectly.

(By the bye, Vincent’s not the only one who’s quoted my slides — David Byrne’s been using them as examples of intentionally funny PowerPoint.)

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me Music Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

From the Archives: The Harness at "Money", May 2000

This Is London

Back in 2000, I made a little extra pocket money with the accordion thanks to a club booking agent named Joa. Joa worked for a club called This is London, a “meet market” for the investment bankers, Andersen consultants and the like, and the women who wanted to hook up with them.

Joa hired me to add strange twists to the evening. Sometimes the job was simply to stand on top of the DJ booth and play Deee-Lite’s Groove is in the Heart (a terribly easy song; it’s got a I-IV pattern in the key of A flat) on the accordion along with the DJ. Othertimes, it was a little mor einvolved, such as the time when she put a beret on me and had me perform a Paris-in-the-twneties version of Fatboy Slim’s Praise You (another easy song in A flat; this one’s got a VII-IV-I pattern).

These gigs never lasted longer than three minutes, after which I was given $100 and asked to promptly leave the club. Although anyone who performed at the club was allowed to enter without forking over the $20 cover — clubs often use ridiculous cover charges as a sort of “class filter” — performers weren’t allowed to be part of the club crowd on the night they performed.

“Nothing against you, Joey darling,” as Joa would constantly remind me, “but there needs to be a wall between artist and audience, you see.”

Since I was effectively being paid $2000 an hour and since my friends were waiting for me at the dance club down the street, I didn’t complain. Besides, the drinks at This is London were ridiculously overpriced and I often overheard banter like “If you stand him on his money, he gets taller.”


In May of that year, Joa called me and asked if I’d like to try something a little different. She also booked acts for a club called “Money” (for an idea of what the club is like, see this photo gallery).

Money’s dance floor had a really high ceiling, over which the storage rooms and offices were located. Someone had cut a hole in the floor of the storage room/office level, through which they often lowered go-go dancers in a harness to swing high above the audience. Joa had come up with the idea to lower me, with my accordion, and have me play along with a DJ tune while suspended above the audience. They gave me a trial run, during which I played along with I Will Survive. Hooking up a microphone to me seemed to be more work than the sound guy wanted to do and the manager wasn’t terribly enamored with the whole accordion concept, so the plan was scrapped. Still, for a brief shining I moment, I got to have my own wire team and I did play accordion in mid-air.

Although nobody shot any pictures of me in the harness, I took some pictures of one of the go-go dancers, who took the harness for a test before I was strapped in. This shot is one of my favourites:

A go-go dancer in a harness held above the dance floor at the Toronto club 'Money'. Taken May 2000.

(The photo also appears in my Flickr set.)

It Happened to Me


Passover began yesterday, and Deenster invited Wendy and me to Seder over at her mom’s place. The lamb was excellent, the company doubly so, and since I’m fond of Jagermeister, Manischewitz doesn’t taste so bad to me.

In honour of Passover (which very closely coincides with Easter this year), here’s the latest Shabot 6000 comic…

'Shabot 6000' comic for April 11, 2006

It Happened to Me

Featured on "Top 10 Sources": My Top Ten Ruby and Rails Feeds

Top 10 Sources is a site that publishes “top ten” lists of blog newsfeeds on various topics. Have you been following American Idol? They’ve got a top ten list of feeds from blogs covering the show. Are you an oenophile? There’s a top ten list of feeds for blogs that cover wine news and commentary. Wondering what people in the “Red States” and the “Blue States” are thinking? There are top ten lists of feeds for each, titled Red America and Blue America respectively. They have top ten lists of feeds for many topics, and they’re constantly adding new topics to their selection.

Top 10 Sources has never had a top ten list of feeds for a programming language or platform — that is, until now. I’ve put together a top ten list of feeds for Ruby and Rails, and it’s one of top ten lists featured on Top 10 Sources’ front page today. The list is made up of feeds that I check on a regular basis for news on the Ruby programming language and the Ruby on Rails framework, namely:

My top ten list of Ruby and Rails feeds comes with an essay about how I got into Ruby and Rails, with lots of tips of the hat to people whose work I admire. Be sure to check it out!

(If you’re reading this on Thursday, April 13th, be sure to check the Top 10 Sources front page, which features a photo of me in my snazzy black suit at my friend Rob’s wedding. David Heinemeier Hansson — Ruby on Rails’ creator — isn’t the only stylin’ programmer around!)

It Happened to Me

"They Keep Pulling Me Back In!"

Over at the web page recommendation application known as reddit, an article of mine from 2003, The Girl Who Cried Webmaster is currently holding the number 5 position. Perhaps I should write a follow-up sometime.