Someone on eBay is selling what they claim to be a VW camper van formerly owned by Pete Townshend of…
The mayor proclaimed -- and I imagine that he did it "Diamond Joe" Quimby-style -- that today is Bob Marley…
Via David Janes, here's a little Dada album cover exercise. You can come up with an album cover for a…
It's going to confirm my old fartdom, but I'll admit it anyway: I'm old enough to remember the days when…
Last night, I took part in Band Camp, "an evening of ridiculous noisemaking" put together by Kelly Seagram. She sent…
Back in the 1980s, I was a regular reader of Keyboard magazine. I always rolled my eyes at the two-page…
It's my last day here at Tucows, and at the risk of sounding like a film critic, I'm going to…
Perhaps it's a bit early for Christmas-related posts, but this can't wait: it's Lore Sjoberg's musical project, Nine Inch Noels,…
Here's an interesting idea: someone took a recording of T.S. Eliot reading The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and…
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.