Ashley Bristowe writes up Chris Turner's Clark Standards Songlist, a compilation of the big hits at Clark Hall Pub, the…
Today's a bit of a busy day for me, so in lieu of the standard-issue scintillating post, here's a gift…
A couple of weeks ago, in an entry titled The Soundtrack to My Personal Coming-Of-Age Film, I lamented that the…
[via Horklog] West Sounds = Beach Boys' Pet Sounds + Kanye West's (The College Dropout + Late Registration). Download the…
Left to right: Henry Rollins, Adrian Belew, Ben Folds and William Effing Shatner.I wish I'd been invited to this jam…
Funny, that's exactly what I looked like at Crazy Go Nuts University. Late Registration is a good follow-up to College…
[via Daimnation!] Damian Penny picked up the meme, and I'm running with it:...find the Top 100 songs from the year…
Here's a link to a video that's been making the rounds on the internet's "you've got to see this!" circuit.…
The MP3 included with this entry is no longer available. EURid, the European registry of internet domain names, has accredited…
They've got me doing a lot of computer-y stuff on the internets today... ...but that doesn't mean you're going to…