Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me Music

Oh Yes, There WILL Be Accordions!

A little while back, a reader wrote in the comments asking what this Accordion Guy blog was all about. It’s basically my own personal publication in which I am the editor, writing staff, art department and most importantly, star. It’s a place where I work out ideas out loud, voice my opinions, tell stories, socially network and yes, talk about and even play the accordion.

One thing that this blog will feature starting this fall is a project I’ve been meaning to do for a while: post accordion busking lessons, complete with audio. While aimed primarily at accordion players hoping to escape the pigeonholes of polka and Lady of Spain, a lot of the stuff is applicable to anyone who’s ever wanted to try out busking. It’ll feature music theory for beginners, rock accordion technique and how-to’s for playing rock and pop. I’m hoping to have it up and running on this site sometime in the next few weeks.

It Happened to Me Music

Where I Was This Weekend

The photo below should give you an idea of where I was this weekend:

Signboard outside the Frontier Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas.
Click the photo to see a larger version.

That’s the sign for the Frontier Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. I was in Vegas, but I stayed at the Mirage. What it lacks in dirty girls, mud wrestling and bikini bull riding, it makes up for by still having cold beer and being considerably less skanky.

I was there for a family vacation weekend to celebrate my mother-in-law’s birthday with Wendy, her mom, her dad, her brother and his grilfriend and her aunt and uncle. I’m at the age where vacationing with family is enjoyable again, and having recently come from a quick trip to Ireland where I caught up with my mom and sister and several cousins and aunts and uncles at my cousin Kara’s wedding, the past few weeks have been tiring but fun.


While the highlight of the trip was celebrating the birthday of the other woman I call “Mom”, most of you readers would probably view the highlights of the trip to Vegas as…

Interior of the craftsteak steak house at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas.

We had the big birthday dinner on Friday night at the craftsteak steak house, located in the MGM Grand Hotel. craftsteak is part of Tom Colicchio’s family of restaurants under the “craft” name and follows the philosophy currently being espoused by the better Food Network chefs: prepare food simply, but do so extremely well. The restaurants use ingredients from specialty providers and small family farms.

I started the meal with an excellent vodka-and-limoncello martini. As an appetizer, I had the heirloom tomato salad, which was made with slices of twelve different types of small-farm-grown tomatoes ranging in size from a cherry tomato to grapefruit-sized and ranging in colour from purple to yellow, dressed in simple herbs and a wine vinegar and extra virgin olive oil dressing. Wendy’s starter was a very delicious corn soup; while most corn chowders taste like cream soup flavoured with corn, the predominant taste of this soup was very fresh, very sweet corn. I plan to have it the next time I visit Vegas.

My main course was a 16-ounce cut of grass-fed sirloin, cooked medium rare. It was a very good cut of meat, deliciously prepared and unhindered by fancy sauces or too much spice. Wendy had the 10-ounce bison, also medium rare,. I had a bite, and it was also quite good. We selected a number of side dishes to share; my favourites were the assortment of mushrooms (hen of the woods, chanterelles and oyster mushrooms), sweet corn and grilled maui onions.

For dessert, I chose the ice cream sandwich, which was actually two sandwiches of homemade vanilla ice cream between two homemamde chocolate chip cookies. It may seem a bit prosaic to those of you who like their desserts a little more frou-frou, but these were really good ice cream and cookies made by a very good dessert chef.

'Love': the Cirque du Soleil show based on music by the Beatles.

On Saturday night, we saw the new Cirque du Soleil show titled Love. This show uses the music of the Beatles as the basis for the Cirque du Soleil acrobatics and special effects that we’ve all come to know and love. Having seen a number of Cirque shows over the years, I’d put this one in the top three and would also recommend it to rock fans for their first Cirque show. To my boss Ken, who’s going to vegas in a couple of weeks and hates gambling even more than I do: go see this show.

For more details about Love, see this Rolling Stone piece and this National Public Radio report.

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me Music

Know Any Accordion Players in Kansas City?

This one’s a bit of a long shot, but here goes: someone emailed me with this:

I’m actually looking for an accordion player to play at my wedding reception — my fiance is Italian, and I thought it would be lovely to have an accordion to help ‘set the mood’. However, I’m not having any luck locating one in Kansas City. Would you have any ideas on where I might look?

I suggested looking up accordionists on Gigmasters and PartyPop, but just in case one of you readers out there know of a Kansas City-based accordionist who does weddings, drop me a line so I can pass along your info.

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me Music

Maria’s Photos from Kickass Karaoke

Joey and his accordion, upstairs at the Rivoli.

Over at Naked KnitGirl, Maria’s got photos of last weekend’s special edition of Kickass Karaoke, which was a farewell party for Postmodern Sass, who’s leaving Accordion City for a new job in San Jose. Sass sent me a whole pile of photos, which I’ll gather into an album and post online soon.


"What If That Guy From Smashing Pumpkins Lost His Car Keys?"

Billy Corgan, flashing his pout and playing guitar.
Billy Corgan, a.k.a. “That Guy from Smashing Pumpkins“.

Never let it be said that you can’t find a little amusement here on The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century. For your amusement, here’s Stephen Lynch’s comedy routine, What if that Guy from Smashing Pumpkins Lost His Car Keys? [1.6 MB MP3].

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods Music

Your Suggestions for My Accordion Repertoire, Please

Joey plays accordion for Wendy at Kickass Karaoke.
Me and Wendy at Kickass Karaoke at the Rivoli

It’s time for me to freshen up my accordion repertoire! It’s been far too long since I’ve added songs to it, so I’m looking around for ideas of songs to cover from my MP3 collection, internet and regular radio, the song selection at Kickass Karaoke and you! If you’ve got suggestions as to what I should cover, let me know in the comments.

Some points to give you a general idea of what I’m looking for:

  • Cheese is okay. I’m not going to turn up my nose at a song because it’s bubble-gum pop aimed squarely at the “hanging out at H&M in the mall for hours” demographic or because it’s a staple of those “EZ Rock” stations. Sometimes — as with Britney Spears’ Baby One More Time they translate very well into accordion numbers.
  • Forget that I play accordion. It’s amazing how many people say “I didn’t know that that song could be played on accordion. As long as the song was written using the notes of the conventional even-tempered scale (which should account for 99% of the music you hear on mainstream North American radio), it can be played on any melodic instrument you can find at most music stores, including the accordion. I get a lot of mileage out of AC/DC numbers, and they wouldn’t be considered an accordion band (except by me).
  • I’m looking for a mix of current and old. Gnarls Barkley’s Crazy is a likely candidate, as is Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’.

I’m planning to record my perfomances of these songs as videos and post them on this blog, so choose wisely!

In the News Music

Happy Worm-a-Versary!

Today, July 26th, is an anniversary for two men who are infamous for unleashing their worms upon an unsuspecting world. Thanks to Dave “Dave’s Picks” Polaschek and his blog for the reminder!

Robert Tappan Morris Jr.

Robert Tappan Morris, Jr.

First, it’s the anniversary of the indictment of Robert Tappan Morris. Those of us who make a living off the internet will instantly recognize the name: he’s the author of the Morrris Worm, one of the first computer worms to porpagate via the Internet and probably the first to gain attention in the mainstream media.

Computer worms are self-contained self-replicating programs; unlike computer viruses, they do not need a “host” program to attach to. Although the worm functions by taking advantage of some design flaws in the Unix operatin systems of the era — late 1988 — Morris claimes that he wrote it for a benign purpose: to gauge the size of the internet at the time. However, do to a flaw in the design of the worm’s self-replication mechanism, it made too many copies of itself and slowed a significant number of machines on the internet to a crawl.

Morris was indicted under the Computer Abuse and Fraud Act of 1986 on this day in 1989 and convicted in 1990. He was sentenced to three years of probation, 400 hours of community service and fined US$10,000. Morris did well for himself later on, helping to create an application that Yahoo! would buy and turn into Yahoo! Store, get his Ph.D. from Harvard, become a professor at MIT and found the techie venture capital firm Y Combinator.

Paul “Pee-Wee Herman” Reubens (nee Rubenfeld)

Pee-Wee Herman's mug shot.

It’s also the anniversary of the arrest of Paul “Pee-Wee Herman” Reubens, who exposed a worm of a different sort. On July 26, 1991, he was arrested in Sarasota, Florida for masturbating in public in a porn theatre (the movie is supposed to have been Nurse Nancy). He negotiated his punishment down to a fine and some public service announcements.

Song of the Day

In honour of this momentous anniversary, I present you with the Divinyls’ song I Touch Myself [3.3MB MP3], as performed by the Scala Girls Choir. Where the hell were these girls when I was in Catholic high school?