
Seda’ Club (or: "Hey Shabot, It’s Your Pesach…")

Hip-hop and Passover meet in the latest edition of the webcomic Shabot 6000 when 50 Cent (or at least his doppelganger) drops by for seder in a hilarious Flash animation!

Screen capture: 'Seda Club', starring 50 Cent and Shabot 6000.

Be sure to check out:


So Bad It’s Great: Video of Tommy Seebach’s "Apache"

Photo: Still from Tommy Seebach's video for 'Apache'.

“Who knew that Steve Buscemi played keyboard in the seventies?”

After showing the video of Tommy Seebach’s cover of The Shadows’

surf-guitar-twang classic Apache to my friend, he looked at me and

said “I will never feel like a loser again.” How many videos can claim

to have such self-esteem boosting power? Watch it now!

You can either watch it on the web:

or download it to your computer:

If the tune sounds familiar, it’s probably because you’re familiar with the version done by Michael Vines’ Incredible Bongo Band. It’s used as the music for the title sequence of the movie Snatch and as the first track of Fatboy Slim’s excellent DJ mix album On the Floor at the Boutique.

Photo: Still from Tommy Seebach's video for 'Apache'.

Oooooh yeah.

It Happened to Me Music

The Pink Wig Gig

I thought I’d post some more “crazy hair from my past” photos.

Before I was an accordion player, I played synths. I owned a number of synths and samplers through my years at Crazy Go Nuts University.

During my time there — September 1987 through December 1994, guitar

players were worshipped and synth guys were viewed with some suspicion.

It was a time bookended by the jingle-jangle of U2 and R.E.M. at the

beginning and grunge at the end. Being a small college town like

Athens, Georgia or Olympia, Washington, the guitar was also king in

Kingston, Ontario. Those damned plank-spankers, as I used to refer to

guitarists, got all the attention, love and respect, leaving we few

keyboard players — namely myself, my buddy Karl Mohr and

“Craigertronic” — in our own quiet musical backwater. My friend Sarah

English once wrote in a music review in the Queen’s Journal that she could never trust a band with a keyboard player in it.

This ghettoization made us synth players a closely-knit bunch, and we

often gigged together, even after graduation. For the April 1999 launch

party of his mother Merilyn Simond’s book, The Lion in the Room Next

Door, Karl invited me and another Kingston-based synth guy, Steve

Skratt, to be the entertainment. Along with our friend Chantal from a

gazillion Kingston bands as well as Rachel Smith and Krista “Lederhosen

Lucil” Muir, we formed the improv synth trip-hop band Lion.

On a lark, we decided that we’d all wear wigs for the gig. I went for

the “anime hair” look, but since Rachel had already claimed the blue

one, I had to take the pink. It didn’t look too bad…

Photo: Joey deVilla in pink wig.

The wig. Attention Mom, Dad and parents-in-law: I promise not to wear this at the wedding…much.

Photo: Keyboard section of the band 'Lion', featuring Karl Mohr, Steve Skratt and Joey deVilla.

Kraftwerk ain’t got nuthin’ on us!

From left to right: Karl Mohr (who’s switched from wig to fez), Steve

Skratt, me and Rachel Smith. I’m playing my Ensoniq EPS Sampler and

Roland MC-303 GrooveBox.

Photo: Keyboard section of the band 'Lion', featuring Karl Mohr, Steve Skratt and Joey deVilla.

Not all the instruments were synthetic…but our hair was!

Photo: Keyboard section of the band 'Lion', featuring Karl Mohr, Steve Skratt and Joey deVilla.

In the background: Rachel, Chantal and Krista, who also

played violin at the gig. Krista is now the Montreal indie pop darling

known to the world as Lederhosen Lucil.

Photo: Keyboard section of the band 'Lion', featuring Karl Mohr, Steve Skratt and Joey deVilla.

“More major sevenths! MORE MAJOR SEVENTHS!”


Owner of a Lovely Butt

Graphic: 'Lionel Vinyl' logo.

Here’s a lovely mash-up by Lionel Vinyl for your enjoyment: Yes’ Owner of a Lonely Heart as the bed track and Sir Mix-a-Lot’s Baby Got Back as the vocal track — Owner of a Lovely Butt! [3.9MB MP3, enclosure]

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods In the News Music

Canada’s Coolest Band Plays the World’s Coolest Instrument

Proof: This photo from Exclaim! magazine’s article on The Arcade Fire:

Photo: Regine Chassagne from The Arcade Fire playing accordion.

It Happened to Me Music

Happy Easter!

Photo: 'Buddy Christ' from 'Dogma'.

He’s back from the dead and ready to par-tay!

Happy Easter, everybody!

Among other things, Easter in my family also means brunch at the

Boulevard Club, which includes among its attractions someone in a

Easter Bunny suit to hand out candy to the kids. Here are reviews of

the Easter Bunny by my two nephews, Aidan and Nicholas:

  • Aidan (age 3 1/2): The Easter Bunny is my fwiend! He has chocolate eggs! Can I have a chocolate egg, please, Mr. Easter Bunny!
  • Nico (age 2 years less 1 month): Eight foot tall rodent — coming straight for me! Mommy! WAAAAAH!


celebrate Easter, I’m sharing the most rockin’-yet-apropos song in my

iTunes Library: AC/DC’s classic, Back in Black. Better yet, three

versions of the song:

Enjoy, and rock on!

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me Music Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Peril from Beyond Space!

My friend and fellow former regular at Tequila Bookworm Scott Watkins invited me to be the opening act for the first installment of Peril from Beyond Space,

a four-part play that spoofs those old 50’s black and white sci-fi

serials. I used to occasionally provide the music for his improv shows

when he was with Theatresports and miss performing with comedians, so I

accepted his invitation.

My musical/stand-up act is simply a more staged version of my street

musician schtick. The story behind the accordion and the busking act is

here; as for the stand-up, I got into it on a whim while living in San

Francisco. At the time, I was working as OpenCola’s developer

releations guy and shared a small but incredibly cool office with Cory

Doctorow. You could’ve counted the people I knew in town on both hands,

so when I saw a poster for an open mic comedy night at Brain Wash,

the cafe/laundromat across the street from the office, I saw an

opportunity to both meet new people and try something new. My act went

over quite well, and the event’s host, Tony Sparks

(a wonderful guy who gives the best introductions for the newbies),

invited me to do some other gigs at comedy clubs in the city.

I’ve done a little local stand-up — by accident. While hanging out at the bar at the Bovine Sex Club

with the accordion strapped to my back, a guy by the name of Bert

approached me and said “I figure that anyone who carries an accordion

at the Bovine has got

to be funny. Do you do stand-up? Would you like to?” Bert turned out to

be part of a sketch comedy troupe called Slap and Tickle, and I did a handful of shows with them, even getting incorporated into one of their skits. I believe my last gig with them was sometime in 2003.

The Bad Dog Theatre is small theatre near Broadview and Danforth — the western edge of Accordion City’s Greektown — with a main stage that seats sixty or so people. I arrived and met the cast,

all of whom showered me with “thanks for coming” and “hey, I love your

blog”. Then, we started discussing the schedule for the evening’s show.

“The show’s about forty minutes, and we need to fill an hour, so if you could do twenty, we’ll be fine,” said Cary.


“My act is seven minutes, eight if I do it like David Carradine,” I

said. “I was under the impression you wanted just the music and a

little banter.”

“Hmm…can you, uh, stretch it to twenty?”

Nearly three times as long?

“If we need to fill more time, I can do my ‘Beat Poetry of Ricardo Montalban’,” offered Scott.

“Crap,” I said, thinking about it. “Oh, what the hell. I accept your challenge!”

I mornally don’t get stage fright — a very embarassing gig in high

school, complete with TV cameras, cured me of that — but this time, I

was a little worried.

After a brief introduction, I walked on stage with the accordion and

did my bit, fattened up with a couple of stories from the old stand-up

routine. It went pretty smoothly. I got laughs for most of my gags and

I avoided the nightmare in which everyone goes silent and the comic

says “Ooh…tough


After thanking the audience, I went offstage, where the cast said they

liked it. Cary looked at his watch and said “Thirteen, maybe fourteen

minutes. I think we can work with that. Thanks!”

My thanks to the cast and crew of Peril from Beyond Space for inviting

me to open for their opening show, and also to the audience members who

came up to me after the show and said they loved the act and will never

look at the accordion in the same way again. Your taste is impeccable!

Photo: Onstage cast of 'Peril from Beyond Space' -- (l-r) Cary West, Nike Abbott, Paul Koster, Scott Watkins, Sam Agro, and Tracy Shea-Porter.

Theatre keeps them off the streets: from left to right

— Cary West, Nike Abbott, Paul Koster, Scott Watkins, Sam Agro, and

Tracy Shea-Porter.

Here’s the description of Peril from Beyond Space:

The year is 1947. The forces of democracy have triumphed. Millions of

Americans are raising families, buying refrigerators, and wearing

nearly identical suits. Now that fascism has been eradicated, Mr. and

Mrs. Average Homeowner can look forward to a bright new era of peace

and prosperity. Or can they? Little do they realize that a malevolent

alien race has targeted the planet earth – a race of demon monsters

that threatens every single person in the entire world…a Peril – from

Beyond Space!

Peril from Beyond Space

shamelessly savages those old Republic and RKO Pictures “science

fiction” serials, which were often just gangster movies with a

poorly-applied gloss of atomic age/space age paint. There’s plenty of

Buck Rogers pseudoscience hokum, what with the aliens’ anti-gravity

ray, the dashing scientist hero’s energy-damping null ray and

cheese-tastic props. They also poke fun at the old movie conventions

with Dave Till’s stentorian narration (complete with breaks for ads,

such as the coffee featuring “the ingredient that won the war”), the

beautiful fiancee who actually knows more than her scientist betrothed

or his dad even though “science is men’s work” and the best

father-to-son advice ever: “Good grooming equals good science!” My

favourite bit has to be the chase scene; somehow, with only four chairs

and solid thespianism, they pulled off the best one I’ve ever seen in a

stage play, complete with stunt jump!

Photo: Dave Till.

Dave Till is the announcer.

The well-done show ended with a doubly-literal cliffhanger (the


car went off a cliff, and the dashing scientist’s name is Cliff), as

will episodes 2 and 3 of this four episode series. I had a ball

watching this show, and were it not for the fact that I have to pick up

Wendy from the airport this Friday, I’d catch it.

Peril from Beyond Space will play at the Bad Dog Theatre (138 Danforth,

at Broadview) this Friday, March 18th, as well as the subsequent two

Fridays (March 25th and April 1st). Tickets are a mere eight bucks

(five for students). Go support some live theatre and be entertained by

some really funny people too!